JMdict 100319
Reading じくじく
Translation eng oozily Translation ger triefend ; sickernd

JMdict 100319
Reading しくしく
Translation eng weeping ; sobbing ; crying ; with a dull pain ; prolonged dull pain
Crossref しくしく泣く

JMdict 100319
Word 頻頻
Reading しくしく ; ひんピン
Translation eng frequently ; repeatedly

JMnedict 100319
Reading シグシグ Romaji Sigsig

JMdict 200217
Reading じくじく
Translation spa empapado ; que rezuma ; que supura
Translation eng oozing ; damp ; sodden Translation ger triefend ; sickernd Translation rus : {~した} сырой , влажный

JMdict 200217
Reading しくしく
Translation dut snikkend {~泣く} ; knagend {~痛む} ; zeurend Translation spa punzante ; intensamente
Translation eng weeping ; sobbing ; softly ( crying ) ; with a prolonged dull pain ; having a griping pain Translation ger Wimmern ; Weinen ; stechender Schmerz Translation rus ( ономат .:)
Crossref しくしく泣く

JMdict 200217
Word 頻く頻く ; 頻々 ; 頻頻
Reading しくしく
Translation spa prolongarse en el tiempo ; durar mucho ; frecuentemente ; a menudo
Translation eng incessantly ; without stop

JMnedict 200217
Reading シグシグ Romaji Sigsig

JMdict 100319
Word しくしく泣く
Reading しくしくなく
Translation eng to sob ; to weep Translation ger wimmern ; leise weinen

JMdict 200217
Word しくしく泣く
Reading しくしくなく
Translation hun hangosan sír ; zokog
Translation eng to cry softly ; to sob ; to weep Translation ger wimmern ; leise weinen

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