JMdict 100319
Word 目撥
Reading めばち ; メバチ
Translation eng bigeye tuna ( edible fish , Thunnus obesus ) Translation ger {Fischk .} großäugiger Thunfisch ; ( <wiss . N.: Thunnus obesus> )

JMdict 100319
Reading めばち
Translation eng sty ( on the eyelid ) ; stye

JMdict 200217
Word 目撥
Reading めばち ; メバチ
Translation eng bigeye tuna ( edible fish , Thunnus obesus ) Translation ger großäugiger Thunfisch ; Thunnus obesus

JMdict 200217
Reading めばち ; めばちこ ; メバチコ
Translation eng sty ( on the eyelid ) ; stye

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