
CEDict 100318
Traditional 話說 Simplified 话说
Pinyin hua4 shuo1
English It is said that ... ( at the start of a narrative ) ; to discuss ; to recount

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 話說 Simplified 话说
Pinyin hua4 shuo1
Deutsch es wird erzählt (u.E.) ; speaking of , talk about (u.E.)

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 話說 Simplified 话说
Pinyin hua4 shuo1
English It is said that ... ( at the start of a narrative ) ; to discuss ; to recount

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 話說 Simplified 话说
Pinyin hua4 shuo1
Deutsch es wird erzählt ; speaking of , talk about

CEDict 100318
Traditional 話說回來 Simplified 话说回来
Pinyin hua4 shuo1 hui2 lai5
English returning to our main topic ,... ; that said ,... ; again ,... ; in this connection ; in passing ; nevertheless ,... ; anyhow

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 話說回來 Simplified 话说回来
Pinyin hua4 shuo1 hui2 lai5
English returning to our main topic ,... ; that said ,... ; again ,... ; in this connection ; in passing ; nevertheless ,... ; anyhow

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