
JMdict 100319
Word 攻め
Reading せめ
Translation eng attack ; offence ; offense ; a barrage of ; a flood of ; dominant partner of a homosexual relationship Translation ger {Milit .} Angriff ; ; {Shôgi} offensiver Zug
Crossref タチ ; 質問攻め

JMdict 200217
Word 攻め
Reading せめ
Translation dut aanval ; offensief Translation hun támadás ; bűn ; megtámadás ; sérelem ; sértés ; vétek Translation slv napad Translation spa ofensiva ; ataque ; asalto
Translation eng attack ; offence ; offense ; dominant partner of a homosexual relationship ; a barrage of ; a flood of Translation ger Angriff ; offensiver Zug
Crossref 質問攻め ; タチ ; 受け・5

JMdict 100319
Word 質問攻め
Reading しつもんぜめ
Translation eng barrage of questions

JMdict 200217
Word 質問攻め ; 質問ぜめ
Reading しつもんぜめ
Translation dut kruisvuur ; spervuur van vragen
Translation eng barrage of questions

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