
JMdict 100319
Word 陰金田虫
Reading いんきんたむし
Translation eng ringworm ( of the groin ) ; jock itch ; tinea cruris Translation ger {Med .} ( ugs .) ; Tinea cruris ; Eczema marginatum

JMdict 100319
Word 陰金
Reading いんきん
Translation eng ringworm ( of the groin ) ; jock itch ; tinea cruris Translation ger {Med .} Kopfgrind ; Flechtengrind ; ( Abk .)
Crossref 陰金田虫

JMdict 200217
Word 陰金田虫
Reading いんきんたむし
Translation dut liesschimmel {geneesk .} ; tinea cruris Translation spa tiña ; tinea cruris
Translation eng ringworm ( of the groin ) ; jock itch ; tinea cruris Translation ger Tinea cruris ; Eczema marginatum Translation rus ( разг . см .) がんせん

JMdict 200217
Word 陰金
Reading いんきん
Translation dut liesschimmel {geneesk .} ; tinea cruris Translation spa tiña ; tinea cruris
Translation eng ringworm ( of the groin ) ; jock itch ; tinea cruris Translation ger Kopfgrind ; Flechtengrind ( Abk .) Translation rus ( разг . см .) がんせん
Crossref 陰金田虫

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