Unicode 12.1
Character Definition five , company of five ; troops Value 5
Pinyin Jyutping ng5 On GO Kun KUMI ITSUTSU Hangul : 0N Korean O Viet ngũ
Variant U+4E94

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping ng6 On GO Kun MUKAERU AU Hangul : 0N Korean O

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition one of warring states ; surname
Pinyin Jyutping ng4 On GO Kun KURE KURERU Hangul : 0N Korean O HO Tang *ngo Viet ngô
Simplified U+5434 Variant U+5449

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition entrenchment , bank , low wall
Pinyin Jyutping wu2 On O U Kun TORIDE MURA Hangul : 0N Korean O Tang
Simplified U+575E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition four walls
Pinyin ào Jyutping ou3 On OU IKU Kun KISHI Hangul : 0N Korean O OK

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition mysterious , obscure , profound
Pinyin ào Jyutping ou3 On OU OKU IKU Kun OKU KUMA Hangul : 0N Korean O WUK Tang qɑ̀u Viet áo
Simplified U+5965

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition few , scarce ; empty , deserted
Pinyin Jyutping ng6 On GO Kun SAMERU Hangul : 0N Korean O

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition vexed , worried , nervous ; regret
Pinyin ào Jyutping ou3 On OU Kun NAYAMU Hangul : 0N Korean O Tang qɑ̀u Viet ảo

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ramble , play about ; leisurely ; surname
Pinyin áo Jyutping ngou4 ngou6 On GOU Kun ASOBU OGORU Hangul : 0N Korean O Tang ngɑu Viet ngào

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping m5 ng5 On GO Kun AKIRAKA Hangul : 0N Korean O

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition have interview with ; meet
Pinyin Jyutping ng6 On GO Kun AKIRAKA Hangul : 0N Korean O Viet cữ

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition Chinese parasoltree , Sterculia platanifolia
Pinyin Jyutping ng4 On GO Kun AOGIRI Hangul : 0N Korean O Tang *ngo

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition inlet , bay ; dock , bank
Pinyin ào Jyutping juk1 ou3 On IKU OKU OU Kun KUMA OKI Hangul : 0N Korean O OK

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cook down , to boil ; endure
Pinyin áo Jyutping ngou4 On GOU Kun IRU Hangul : 0N Korean O

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition mastiff , large fierce dog
Pinyin áo Jyutping ngou1 ngou4 On GOU Kun INU Hangul : 0N Korean O Viet ngao

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin o Hangul : 0N Korean O

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition centipede
Pinyin Jyutping ng4 On GO Hangul : 0N Korean O

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition huge sea turtle
Pinyin áo Jyutping ngou4 On GOU Kun OOGAME Hangul : 0N Korean O
Simplified U+9CCC

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition huge sea turtle
Pinyin áo Jyutping ngou4 On GOU Kun OOGAME Hangul : 0N Korean O Tang ngɑu

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