Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bright ; radiant ; thriving
Pinyin YE4 Jyutping jip6 On YOU Kun KAGAYAKU Hangul Korean YEP
Simplified U+6654 Variant U+66C5
IRG Japan 0-5B21

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition issue , dispatch , send out , emit
Pinyin FA1 FA4 BO1 Jyutping faat3 On HOTSU HATSU Kun HANATSU TSUKAWASU ABAKU Hangul Korean PAL Tang *biæt Viet phát
Simplified U+53D1 Variant U+767A
IRG South Korea 0-5B21

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition official residence , residence of
Pinyin DI3 Jyutping dai2 On TEI TAI Kun YASHIKI Hangul Korean CE
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-5B21

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