Unicode 5.2
Character Definition song , lyrics ; sing , chant ; praise
Pinyin GE1 Jyutping go1 On KA Kun UTAU UTA Hangul Korean KA Tang *gɑ Viet ca
CNS 11643-1986 1-693A CNS 11643-1992 1-693A IRG Taiwan 1-693A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition plow side by side ; team of two
Pinyin OU3 Jyutping ngau5 On GOU GU GUU Hangul Korean WU
IRG South Korea 1-693A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition flee , run away , leave debt unsettled
Pinyin BU1 Jyutping bou1 On HO FU Kun NOGARERU Hangul Korean PHO Viet
IRG Vietnam 1-693A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tall (7 chi ) horse
Pinyin LAI2 Jyutping loi4 loi6 On RAI Hangul Korean LAY
IRG Japan 1-693A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition song , lyrics ; sing , chant ; praise
Pinyin Jyutping go1 On KA Kun UTAU UTA Hangul : 0E Korean KA Tang *gɑ Viet ca
CNS 11643-1986 1-693A CNS 11643-1992 1-693A

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