Unicode 5.2
Character Definition black ; police runners , from the black clothes formerly worn by them
Pinyin ZAO4 Jyutping zou6 On SOU ZOU Kun SHIMOBE Hangul Korean CO
Variant U+7682
Song Ben Guang Yun 302.50

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition black ; police runners , from the black clothes formerly worn by them
Pinyin zào Jyutping zou6 On SOU ZOU Kun SHIMOBE Hangul : 1N Korean CO
Variant U+7682
Song Ben Guang Yun 302.50

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YUAN1 On EN Kun HUCHI Hangul Korean YEN

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin yuān On EN Kun HUCHI Hangul : 1N Korean YEN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition variant of U+56FD , nation , country , nation-state
Pinyin GUO2 Jyutping gwok3 On KOKU
Variant U+570B

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition variant of U+56FD , nation , country , nation-state
Pinyin guó Jyutping gwok3 On KOKU
Variant U+570B

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin JIONG3 Jyutping gwing2 On KEI KYOU Kun AKIRAKA Korean KYENG

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin jiǒng Jyutping gwing2 On KEI KYOU Kun AKIRAKA Hangul :N Korean KYENG

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to become solid , solidify ; strength
Pinyin GU4 Jyutping gu3 On KO Kun KATAMERU KATAME KATAI Hangul Korean KO Tang *gò Viet cố

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to become solid , solidify ; strength
Pinyin Jyutping gu3 On KO Kun KATAMERU KATAME KATAI Hangul : 0E Korean KO Tang *gò Viet cố

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