KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin su4 Reading On Reading Kun うった . える Reading Korean so Reading Korean
Meaning accusation ; sue ; complain of pain ; appeal to Meaning fr plainte ; accusation ; poursuites ; faire appel Meaning es denuncia ; acusación ; demanda ; pleito ; denunciar ; acusar ; pleitear Meaning pt acusação ; processo ; queixar-se de dor ; apelar para
Miscellaneous JIS 208 33-42

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin min3 Reading On ビン ; ミン ; フン Reading Kun つと . める
Meaning strong ; robust ; vigorous
Miscellaneous JIS 212 33-42

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin su4 Reading On Reading Kun うった . える Reading Korean so Reading Korean
Meaning accusation ; sue ; complain of pain ; appeal to Meaning fr plainte ; accusation ; poursuites ; faire appel Meaning es denuncia ; acusación ; demanda ; pleito ; denunciar ; acusar ; pleitear Meaning pt acusação ; processo ; queixar-se de dor ; apelar para
Miscellaneous JIS 208 33-42

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin min3 Reading On ビン ; ミン ; フン Reading Kun つと . める
Meaning strong ; robust ; vigorous
Miscellaneous JIS 212 33-42

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