Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to pull , drag , break off , to pluck (a flower ); bent , warped ; perverse , obstinate
Pinyin AO3 AO4 NIU4 Jyutping aau2 aau3 ngaau3 On OU YOU IKU Kun NEJIKERU SUNERU Hangul Korean YO Viet húc
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 7272

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition high , lofty ; precipitous
Pinyin WEI1 Jyutping wai1 On WAI E I Hangul Korean OY
KS X 1002:1991 7272

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a club ; a stalk ; straight
Pinyin TING3 TING4 Jyutping ting5 On TEI CHOU Kun TSUE TEKO Hangul Korean CENG
GB 12345-90 7272 GB 2312-80 7272

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a mat , matting
JIS X 0208-1990 7272

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition empty , hungry-looking
Pinyin KE1 Jyutping gwo1
GB 7589-87 7272

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cricket
Pinyin SHUAI4 Jyutping seot1 On SHUTSU SHUCHI Kun KOOROGI Hangul Korean SOL
KPS 10721-2000 7272

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition saddle up horse ; drive horse
Pinyin BEI4 BU4 FU2 BAI4 On FUKU HI BI Kun UTSUBO FUIGO Hangul Korean PI
PRC Telegraph Code 7272

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition skin
Pinyin KUO4 Jyutping kwok3 On KAKU Hangul Korean KWAK
Taiwan Telegraph 7272

Unicode 5.2
JIS X 0212-1990 7272

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition officials ; bureaucracy
Hangul Korean YO
Variant U+50DA Variant U+50DA
KS X 1001:1992 7272

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sacrificial animal ; animal
Pinyin SHENG1 Jyutping saang1 sang1 On SEI SHOU Kun IKENIE Hangul Korean SAYNG Tang shræng Viet sinh
Unicode Code Point 7272

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to pull , drag , break off , to pluck (a flower ); bent , warped ; perverse , obstinate
Pinyin ǎo Jyutping aau2 aau3 ngaau3 On OU YOU IKU Kun NEJIKERU SUNERU Hangul : 0N Korean YO Viet húc
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 7272

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition high , lofty ; precipitous
Pinyin wǎi Jyutping wai1 On WAI E I Hangul : 1N Korean OY
KS X 1002:1991 7272

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a club ; a stalk ; straight
Pinyin tǐng Jyutping ting5 On TEI CHOU Kun TSUE TEKO Hangul : 1N Korean CENG
GB 12345-90 7272 GB 2312-80 7272

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a mat , matting
Pinyin zuò Kun ZA GOZA
JIS X 0208-1990 7272

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition empty , hungry-looking
Pinyin Jyutping gwo1
GB 7589-87 7272

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cricket
Pinyin shuài Jyutping seot1 On SHUTSU SHUCHI Kun KOOROGI Hangul : 1N Korean SOL
KPS 10721-2000 7272

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin táo Jyutping tou4 On TOU Kun KONAMOCHI
JIS X 0212-1990 7272

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition officials ; bureaucracy
Hangul :0 Korean YO
Variant U+50DA Variant U+50DA
KS X 1001:1992 7272

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sacrificial animal ; animal
Pinyin shēng Jyutping saang1 sang1 On SEI SHOU Kun IKENIE Hangul : 0N Korean SAYNG Tang shræng Viet sinh
Unicode Code Point 7272

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition skin
Pinyin kuò Jyutping kwok3 On KAKU Hangul : 1N Korean KWAK
Taiwan Telegraph 7272

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition saddle up horse ; drive horse
Pinyin bèi Jyutping bei6 bou6 On FUKU HI BI Kun UTSUBO FUIGO Hangul : 1N Korean PI
PRC Telegraph Code 7272

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hair ; KangXi radical 190
Pinyin BIAO1 SHAN1 PIAO4 Jyutping biu1 On HYOU HYUU Hangul Korean PHYO

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hair ; KangXi radical 190
Pinyin biāo Jyutping biu1 On HYOU HYUU Hangul : 1N Korean PHYO

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