Reading スポイルズシステム
Translation eng spoils system
Crossref 猟官制

JMdict 100319
Word 獲物
Reading えもの
Translation eng game ; spoils ; trophy Translation ger Beute ; Fang ; Jagdbeute ; Kriegsbeute ; Siegesbeute ; Raub Translation fre butin ; gibier ; proie

JMdict 100319
Word 盗品
Reading とうひん
Translation eng stolen goods ; loot ; spoils Translation ger Diebesgut ; gestohlener Gegenstand Translation fre butin ; marchandise volée

JMdict 100319
Word 強奪物
Reading ごうだつぶつ
Translation eng plunder ; spoils

JMdict 100319
Word 戦利品
Reading せんりひん
Translation eng spoils of war ; booty Translation ger Trophäe ; Kriegsbeute ; Beute ; Prise

JMdict 100319
Reading ぶつ
Translation eng stock ; products ; stolen goods ; loot ; spoils

JMdict 100319
Word 猟官制
Reading りょうかんせい
Translation eng spoils system

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zang1
English booty ; spoils

JMdict 200217
Word 盗品
Reading とうひん
Translation hun hadizsákmány
Translation eng stolen goods ; loot ; spoils Translation ger Diebesgut ; Diebesbeute ; gestohlener Gegenstand Translation fre butin ; marchandise volée Translation rus краденые вещи

JMdict 200217
Word 強奪物
Reading ごうだつぶつ
Translation hun jövedelmező állások
Translation eng plunder ; spoils Translation rus награбленное {добро} , добыча

JMdict 200217
Word 戦利品
Reading せんりひん
Translation dut trofee ; tropee {w .g.} ; overwinningsteken ; zegeteken ; buit ; prijs ; oorlogsbuit ; roofbuit ; roofgoed ; roof Translation hun martalék
Translation eng spoils of war ; booty Translation ger Trophäe ; Kriegsbeute ; Beute ; Prise Translation rus ( воен .) трофеи

JMdict 200217
Reading ぶつ ; ブツ
Translation dut spul ; waar ; goed {volkstaal voor shinamono 品物 ( artikel )} ; poen ; centen ; ping-ping {volkstaal voor genkin 現金 ( cash )}
Translation eng stock ; products ; stolen goods ; loot ; spoils Translation fre stock ; produits ; marchandises volées ; butin

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 戰利品 Simplified 战利品
Pinyin zhan4 li4 pin3
English spoils of war

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zang1
English stolen goods ; booty ; spoils

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