JMdict 100319
Word お菓子 ; 御菓子
Reading おかし
Translation eng confections ; sweets ; candy Translation ger Süßigkeiten ; Kuchen ; Konditorwaren ; Konfekt ; Gebäck Translation fre bonbon ; confiserie ; gâteaux ; pâtisserie

JMdict 100319
Word 茶菓
Reading ちゃか ; さか
Translation eng tea and cakes or sweets ; refreshments Translation ger ( schriftspr .) Tee und Kuchen ; Erfrischungen Translation fre gateaux

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 茶菓
Reading さか ; ちゃか
Translation spa y pasteles o dulces ; refrigerio
Translation eng tea and cakes ; refreshments Translation ger Tee und Kuchen ; Erfrischungen Translation fre gateaux Translation rus ( кн . см .) ちゃがし ; ( см .) ちゃがし

JMdict 200217
Reading ガトーセック ; ガトー・セック
Translation eng baked cookie Source Language fre gâteaux secs

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