JMdict 100319
Word 温室
Reading おんしつ
Translation eng greenhouse ; hothouse ; conservatory ; glasshouse Translation ger Treibhaus ; Gewächshaus Translation fre serre

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 御姫様 ; お姫様
Reading おひめさま
Translation eng spoiled girl ; hothouse flower ; princess

CEDict 100318
Traditional 暖房 Simplified 暖房
Pinyin nuan3 fang2
English heating ; central heating ; greenhouse ; hothouse ; to pay a house-warming visit

JMdict 200217
Word 温室
Reading おんしつ
Translation dut broeikas ; kweekkas ; stookkas ; serre Translation hun melegház Translation slv rastlinjak Translation spa invernadero
Translation eng greenhouse ; hothouse ; conservatory ; glasshouse Translation ger Treibhaus ; Gewächshaus ; Bad ; Badezimmer Translation fre serre Translation rus теплица , оранжерея

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 唐花 Simplified 唐花
Pinyin tang2 hua1
English hothouse flower (i.e. flower grown in a greenhouse )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 暖房 Simplified 暖房
Pinyin nuan3 fang2
English heating ; central heating ; greenhouse ; hothouse ; to pay a house-warming visit

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