CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bo2
English meager ; slight ; weak ; ungenerous or unkind ; frivolous ; to despise ; to belittle ; to look down on ; to approach or near

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bo2
English meager ; slight ; weak ; ungenerous or unkind ; frivolous ; to despise ; to belittle ; to look down on ; to approach or near

CEDict 100318
Traditional 心胸狹窄 Simplified 心胸狭窄
Pinyin xin1 xiong1 xia2 zhai3
English narrow-minded ( idiom ); petty ; ungenerous

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 心胸狹窄 Simplified 心胸狭窄
Pinyin xin1 xiong1 xia2 zhai3
English narrow-minded ( idiom ); petty ; ungenerous

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