JMdict 200217
Word 歌謡曲
Reading かようきょく
Translation dut lied ; straatliedje ; volksliedje ; populair lied ; wijsje Translation slv popevka Translation spa canción popular ; éxito musical Translation swe slagdänga
Translation eng kayōkyoku ; form of Japanese popular music that developed during the Showa era ; ( Western ) pop song Translation ger ( japan .) Schlager ; volkstümlicher Gesang ; Kayōkyoku ( aus Radio , Fernsehen , Film etc .) ; Lied Translation fre chanson populaire Translation rus популярная песня

JMdict 200217
Word 流行歌
Reading りゅうこうか
Translation dut populair lied ; populair wijsje ; straatliedje ; liedje dat in is ; hit ; succesnummer Translation spa canción popular Translation swe schlager
Translation eng popular song ; hit song Translation ger Schlager ; Gassenhauer ; populäres Lied ; Modelied Translation fre chanson à succès ; tube Translation rus модная ( популярная ) песня

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