
CEDict 100318
Traditional 揮毫 Simplified 挥毫
Pinyin hui1 hao2
English to write or draw with a brush ; to put pen to paper ; to write

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 揮毫 Simplified 挥毫
Pinyin hui1 hao2
Deutsch mit einem Pinsel schreiben oder malen (u.E.) (S)

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 揮毫 Simplified 挥毫
Pinyin hui1 hao2
English to write or draw with a brush ; to put pen to paper ; to write

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 揮毫 Simplified 挥毫
Pinyin hui1 hao2
Deutsch mit einem Pinsel schreiben oder malen (S)

CEDict 100318
Traditional 揮毫灑墨 Simplified 挥毫洒墨
Pinyin hui1 hao2 sa3 mo4
English to flourish with the pen and sprinkle ink ; to write in a free style ( idiom )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 揮毫灑墨 Simplified 挥毫洒墨
Pinyin hui1 hao2 sa3 mo4
English to wield a writing brush ( idiom )

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