
JMdict 100319
Word 茫々 ; 茫茫
Reading もうもう ; ぼうぼう
Translation eng wide expanse of flat surface (e.g. sea , plains ) ; endless ; rampant growth of ( weeds , hair )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 茫茫 Simplified 茫茫
Pinyin mang2 mang2
English boundless ; vast and obscure

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 茫茫 Simplified 茫茫
Pinyin mang2 mang2
Deutsch unendlich weit (u.E.) ( Adj )

JMdict 200217
Word 茫々 ; 茫茫
Reading ぼうぼう
Translation hun szűnni nem akaró Translation spa frondoso ; exuberante ; confuso ; incoherente ; inmenso ; sonido de las olas
Translation eng vast ( ocean , desert , etc .) ; boundless ; extensive ; vague (e.g. memories ) ; unclear ; fuzzy ; hazy ; rampant ( weeds , etc .) ; running wild ; overgrown ; unkempt ( hair , beard , etc .) ; shaggy ; scraggly Translation ger wuchernd ; üppig ; geil ; struppig ; zottig ; ungekämmt ; unrasiert ; lichterloh ; lodernd Translation rus ( кн . см .) 1) ぼうばく ; 2) ぼうぼう【蓬 ( ) 々】

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 茫茫 Simplified 茫茫
Pinyin mang2 mang2
English boundless ; vast and obscure

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 茫茫 Simplified 茫茫
Pinyin mang2 mang2
Deutsch unendlich weit ( Adj )

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