Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wait ; expect ; visit ; greet
Pinyin HOU4 Jyutping hau6 On KOU Kun SOUROU UKAGAU SABURAU Hangul Korean HWU Tang *hòu Viet hầu
Hong Kong proper shape 0190

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bind , tie up ; involve , relation
Pinyin XI4 Jyutping hai6 On KEI Kun KAKARU TSUNAGARI KAKAWARU Hangul Korean KYEY Tang *gèi Viet hệ
Simplified U+7CFB
Taiwan Telegraph 0190

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition wait ; expect ; visit ; greet
Pinyin hòu Jyutping hau6 On KOU Kun SOUROU UKAGAU SABURAU Hangul : 0E Korean HWU Tang *hòu Viet hầu
Hong Kong proper shape 0190

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bind , tie up ; involve , relation
Pinyin Jyutping hai6 On KEI Kun KAKARU TSUNAGARI KAKAWARU Hangul : 0E Korean KYEY Tang *gèi Viet hệ
Simplified U+7CFB
Taiwan Telegraph 0190

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition man ; people ; mankind ; someone else
Pinyin REN2 Jyutping jan4 On JIN NIN Kun HITO Hangul Korean IN Tang *njin njin Viet nhân

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠲮
Viet khinh

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition man ; people ; mankind ; someone else
Pinyin rén Jyutping jan4 On JIN NIN Kun HITO Hangul : 0E Korean IN Tang *njin njin Viet nhân

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠲮
Pinyin jìng Viet khinh

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition connected , joined ; repeated
Pinyin TA4 DA2 Jyutping daap6 On TOU Kun KUTSU Hangul Korean TAP Tang dhop Viet đạp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition connected , joined ; repeated
Pinyin Jyutping daap6 On TOU Kun KUTSU Hangul : 0N Korean TAP Tang dhop Viet đạp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition syllable
Pinyin LONG4 Jyutping lung6 On ROU Kun SAEZURU Korean LONG Viet trộng

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition syllable
Pinyin lòng Jyutping lung6 On ROU Kun SAEZURU Korean LONG Viet trộng

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠲯

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠲯

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠲰

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠲰

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) sick , unwell
Pinyin POU3 Jyutping dau6 Viet nhạu

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( Cant .) sick , unwell
Pinyin pǒu Jyutping dau6 Viet nhạu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sound of calling ducks
Pinyin WEI3 Jyutping do6 hei3 waai2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sound of calling ducks
Pinyin wěi Jyutping do6 hei3 waai2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition jargon
Pinyin MANG2 Jyutping mong4 On BOU MOU Korean PANG

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition jargon
Pinyin máng Jyutping mong4 On BOU MOU Korean PANG

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition elder brother
Pinyin GE1 Jyutping go1 On KA Kun UTAU Hangul Korean KA Tang Viet ca

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition elder brother
Pinyin Jyutping go1 On KA Kun UTAU Hangul : 0N Korean KA Tang Viet ca

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition oh? really? is that so?
Pinyin E2 O2 O4 Jyutping ngo4 o2 o4 o6 On GA Kun UTAU Hangul Korean A Tang ngɑ Viet nga

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition oh? really? is that so?
Pinyin ó Jyutping ngo4 o2 o4 o6 On GA Kun UTAU Hangul : 1N Korean A Tang ngɑ Viet nga

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠲱

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠲱

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠲲

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠲲

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sound of ripping or giggling
Pinyin CHI1 Jyutping ci1 On KA KE SEKI Kun MONOMI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sound of ripping or giggling
Pinyin chī Jyutping ci1 On KA KE SEKI Kun MONOMI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition whistle , blow whistle ; chirp
Pinyin SHAO4 Jyutping saau3 On SHOU Kun MIHARI Hangul Korean CHO SO

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition whistle , blow whistle ; chirp
Pinyin shào Jyutping saau3 On SHOU Kun MIHARI Hangul : 0N Korean CHO SO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to shout at , ( same as ) to backbite , to dislike , sound of oars ; the creaking or swishing sound of oars or sweeps in rowing
Pinyin XIE4 Jyutping hai6 Viet nhái

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to shout at , ( same as ) to backbite , to dislike , sound of oars ; the creaking or swishing sound of oars or sweeps in rowing
Pinyin xiè Jyutping hai6 Viet nhái

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( non-classical form of ) to cry ; to mourn ; to howl , to twitter ; to crow , to sneeze ; a running at the nose
Pinyin TI2 Jyutping tai4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( non-classical form of ) to cry ; to mourn ; to howl , to twitter ; to crow , to sneeze ; a running at the nose
Pinyin Jyutping tai4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mile
Pinyin LI1 LI5 LI3 Jyutping le1 lei5 li1 On RI Kun WAI MAIRU Hangul Korean LI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition mile
Pinyin Jyutping le1 lei5 li1 On RI Kun WAI MAIRU Hangul : 1N Korean LI

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠲳

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠲳

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition which? where? how?
Pinyin NA3 NEI3 NA5 NE2 Jyutping naa1 naa4 naa5 On DA NA Korean NA Viet

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition which? where? how?
Pinyin Jyutping naa1 naa4 naa5 On DA NA Korean NA Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠲴

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠲴
Pinyin nóu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to cajole
Pinyin ZU2 Jyutping zuk1 On SHOKU SOKU Kun KOBIRU Korean COK

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to cajole
Pinyin Jyutping zuk1 On SHOKU SOKU Kun KOBIRU Korean COK

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠲵
Jyutping gip3 Viet mép

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠲵
Pinyin qiè Jyutping gip3 Viet mép

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