Unicode 5.2
Character Definition offer ; receive ; serve ; respect
Pinyin FENG4 Jyutping fung6 On HOU BU Kun TATEMATSURU Hangul Korean PONG Tang *bhiǒng Viet phụng
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0212

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition side ; incline , slant , lean
Pinyin CE4 ZE4 Jyutping zak1 On SOKU SHOKU Kun KAWA KATAWARA SOBAMERU Hangul Korean CHUK Tang *jriək jriək Viet trắc
Simplified U+4FA7
Hong Kong proper shape 0212

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition assistant in wine shop , groom
Pinyin GUAN1 Jyutping gun1 On KUWAN Kun TONERI Korean KWAN
PRC Telegraph Code 0212 Taiwan Telegraph 0212

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition offer ; receive ; serve ; respect
Pinyin fèng Jyutping fung6 On HOU BU Kun TATEMATSURU Hangul : 0E Korean PONG Tang *bhiǒng Viet phụng
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0212

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition side ; incline , slant , lean
Pinyin Jyutping zak1 On SOKU SHOKU Kun KAWA KATAWARA SOBAMERU Hangul : 0E Korean CHUK Tang *jriək jriək Viet trắc
Simplified U+4FA7
Hong Kong proper shape 0212

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition assistant in wine shop , groom
Pinyin guān Jyutping gun1 On KUWAN Kun TONERI Korean KWAN
PRC Telegraph Code 0212 Taiwan Telegraph 0212

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) to swell
Pinyin DUO1 Jyutping deoi3 Viet dối

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( Cant .) to swell
Pinyin duō Jyutping deoi3 Viet dối

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition eat , feed ; chew , bite ; entice
Pinyin DAN4 Jyutping daam6 On TAN Kun KUU KURAWASU Hangul Korean TAM Tang dhɑ̌m
Variant U+5557

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition eat , feed ; chew , bite ; entice
Pinyin dàn Jyutping daam6 On TAN Kun KUU KURAWASU Hangul : 0N Korean TAM Tang dhɑ̌m
Variant U+5557

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition eat , chew , bite ; entice , lure
Pinyin DAN4 Jyutping daam6 On TAN Kun KUU KURAWASU Hangul Korean TAM
Variant U+5556

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition eat , chew , bite ; entice , lure
Pinyin dàn Jyutping daam6 On TAN Kun KUU KURAWASU Hangul : 1N Korean TAM
Variant U+5556

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bite , chew ; ( Cant .) like this , in this way
Pinyin DAN4 Jyutping daam6 gam2 On TAN DAN Kun KURAU KURAWASU Hangul Korean TAM Tang dhɑ̌m

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bite , chew ; ( Cant .) like this , in this way
Pinyin dàn Jyutping daam6 gam2 On TAN DAN Kun KURAU KURAWASU Hangul : 1N Korean TAM Tang dhɑ̌m

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hesitate
Pinyin HUI2 HUAI2 Jyutping wui4 On KUWAI E Kun SAMAYOU KURAIKOYO Hangul Korean HOY

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to pant ; wife ; ( Cant .) particle indicating doubt
Pinyin XI4 Jyutping be6 bei6 On HI Kun HANAIKI KAKA AEGI Korean PI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hesitate
Pinyin huí Jyutping wui4 On KUWAI E Kun SAMAYOU KURAIKOYO Hangul : 1N Korean HOY

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to pant ; wife ; ( Cant .) particle indicating doubt
Pinyin Jyutping be6 bei6 On HI Kun HANAIKI KAKA AEGI Korean PI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition xenon
Pinyin DAN4 Jyutping daam6 On TAN

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition nitrogen
Pinyin dàn Jyutping daam6 On TAN

Unicode 5.2
Character 𡁌

Unicode 12.1
Character 𡁌

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bear children , give birth ; birth
Pinyin DAN4 Jyutping daan3
Traditional U+8A95

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bear children , give birth ; birth
Pinyin dàn Jyutping daan3
Traditional U+8A95

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition able to take a correct view of things ; to response correctly ( said of small children ), sound ; echo
Pinyin YI1 Jyutping zi4

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition able to take a correct view of things ; to response correctly ( said of small children ), sound ; echo
Pinyin Jyutping zi4

Unicode 12.1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition long hair ; ( Cant .) to hang down , droop
Pinyin DAN4 Jyutping daam6 dam3 jim4 On TAN DON

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition long hair ; ( Cant .) to hang down , droop
Pinyin dàn Jyutping daam6 dam3 jim4 On TAN DON

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) man , person ; mature
Pinyin LAO3 Jyutping lou2 On RYOU RO ROU Kun OOKII

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CHOU2 On CHUU CHU Kun TARE NOROU Viet trù

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( Cant .) man , person ; mature
Pinyin lǎo Jyutping lou2 On RYOU RO ROU Kun OOKII

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin chóu Jyutping cau4 On CHUU CHU Kun TARE NOROU Viet trù

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lotus
Pinyin DAN4 Jyutping daam6 On TAN DON Kun HANAYAKA Tang dhǒm

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition lotus
Pinyin dàn Jyutping daam6 On TAN DON Kun HANAYAKA Tang dhǒm

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition unsubmissive ; obstreperous
Pinyin XIANG2

Unicode 5.2
Character 𡁍

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition unsubmissive ; obstreperous
Pinyin xiáng

Unicode 12.1
Character 𡁍
Pinyin ài

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin DAN4 Jyutping daam6 taam6 On TAN DAN Kun KURAU KURAWASU Korean TAM

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin dàn Jyutping daam6 taam6 On TAN DAN Kun KURAU KURAWASU Korean TAM

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) intensive particle
Pinyin GE2 Jyutping tap1 On KOU Kun AWASERU

Unicode 5.2
Character 𡁎
Viet dở

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( Cant .) intensive particle
Pinyin Jyutping tap1 On KOU Kun AWASERU

Unicode 12.1
Character 𡁎
Pinyin Viet dở

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sacrifice offered at the end of the three years' mourning the death of a parent
Pinyin TAN3 DAN4 Jyutping daam6 taam5 On TAN DON Kun MATSURI Hangul Korean TAM Viet đệm thiện

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sacrifice offered at the end of the three years' mourning the death of a parent
Pinyin dàn Jyutping daam6 taam5 On TAN DON Kun MATSURI Hangul : 1N Korean TAM Viet đệm thiện

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pretend , feign ; false , deceitful
Pinyin YANG2 Jyutping jeoi4 joeng4 On YOU Kun ITSUWARU Hangul Korean YANG

Unicode 5.2
Character 𡁏 Definition ( Cant .) soft rice or food for a baby
Jyutping am1 ngam1

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