Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the large intestine ; the body
Pinyin DONG4 Jyutping dung6 On DOU TOU Kun DOU Hangul Korean TONG
Morohashi index 29436
IRG Dai Kanwa Ziten (Morohashi) 29436

Unicode 5.2
Character 𩐶
Unicode Code Point 29436

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dong4 Reading On ドウ Reading Korean dong Reading Korean
Meaning trunk ; torso ; hull ( ship ) ; hub of wheel Meaning fr tronc ( du corps ) ; torse ; coque ( bateau ) ; moyeu Meaning es tronco ( cuerpo ) ; torso Meaning pt tronco ; torso ; casco ( navio ) ; cubo de roda
Dictionary dr_moro 29436

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the large intestine ; the body
Pinyin dòng Jyutping dung6 On DOU TOU Kun DOU Hangul : 0N Korean TONG
Morohashi index 29436
IRG Dai Kanwa Ziten (Morohashi) 29436

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin dong4 Reading On ドウ Reading Korean dong Reading Korean
Meaning trunk ; torso ; hull ( ship ) ; hub of wheel Meaning fr tronc ( du corps ) ; torse ; coque ( bateau ) ; moyeu Meaning es tronco ( cuerpo ) ; torso Meaning pt tronco ; torso ; casco ( navio ) ; cubo de roda
Dictionary dr_moro 29436

Unicode 12.1
Character 𩐶
Pinyin zhé
Unicode Code Point 29436

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hafnium
Pinyin JIA2 HA1 JIA1 KE1 Jyutping hap6
Traditional U+927F

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hafnium
Pinyin Jyutping hap6
Traditional U+927F

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rubidium
Pinyin RU3 RU2 Jyutping jyu4
Traditional U+92A3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition rubidium
Pinyin Jyutping jyu4
Traditional U+92A3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lock
Pinyin LANG2 Jyutping long4
Traditional U+92C3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition lock
Pinyin láng Jyutping long4
Traditional U+92C3

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LIU3
Traditional U+92F6

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin liǔ
Traditional U+92F6

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