JMdict 100319
Word 上半身
Reading じょうはんしん
Translation eng upper half of body ; bust Translation ger Oberkörper ; obere Körperhälfte ; Brustbild Translation fre buste ; torse

JMdict 100319
Word 胴体
Reading どうたい
Translation eng body ; trunk ; torso Translation ger Rumpf ; Körper ; Torso ; Schiffsrumpf ; Flugzeugrumpf ; Hubschrauberrumpf Translation fre corps ; torse

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dong4 Reading On ドウ Reading Korean dong Reading Korean
Meaning trunk ; torso ; hull ( ship ) ; hub of wheel Meaning fr tronc ( du corps ) ; torse ; coque ( bateau ) ; moyeu Meaning es tronco ( cuerpo ) ; torso Meaning pt tronco ; torso ; casco ( navio ) ; cubo de roda

JMdict 200217
Word 上半身
Reading じょうはんしん
Translation dut bovenlichaam ; bovenlijf Translation hun mellbőség ; mellszobor Translation slv zgornji del telesa ( trup ) Translation spa torso
Translation eng upper half of ( one's ) body ; upper body ; bust Translation ger Oberkörper ; obere Körperhälfte ; Brustbild Translation fre buste ; torse Translation rus верхняя половина туловища

JMdict 200217
Word 胴体
Reading どうたい
Translation dut romp ; tors ; torso ; lijf ; vliegtuig} romp {m .b.t. ; fuselage ; buik ; casco Translation hun alapanyag ; szerv ; test ; tollszár ; törzs ; csomagtartó ; közlekedési út ; fővonal ; tönk ; törzs Translation spa torso ; tronco ( del cuerpo )
Translation eng body ; trunk ; torso ; hull ( boat ) ; fuselage ( aircraft ) Translation ger Rumpf ; Körper ; Torso ; Schiffsrumpf ; Flugzeugrumpf ; Hubschrauberrumpf Translation fre corps ; torse Translation rus 1) корпус ; торс ; туловище ; (с. .) туша ; 2) ( ав .) фюзеляж

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin dong4 Reading On ドウ Reading Korean dong Reading Korean
Meaning trunk ; torso ; hull ( ship ) ; hub of wheel Meaning fr tronc ( du corps ) ; torse ; coque ( bateau ) ; moyeu Meaning es tronco ( cuerpo ) ; torso Meaning pt tronco ; torso ; casco ( navio ) ; cubo de roda

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