KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhao1 ; chao2 Reading On チョウ Reading Kun あさ Nanori あ ; あそ ; ささ ; ちか ; とも Reading Korean jo Reading Korean
Meaning morning ; dynasty ; regime ; epoch ; period ; ( North ) Korea Meaning fr matin ; dynastie ; régime ; période ; époque ; Corée ( Nord ) Meaning es mañana ; amanecer ; corte imperial Meaning pt manhã ; disnastia ; regime ; época ; período ; Coréia do Norte
Miscellaneous JIS 208 36-11

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yu4 Reading On ヨク ; イキ ; イク Reading Kun たら ; くぬぎ
Meaning thorny shrub with yellow flowers
Miscellaneous JIS 212 36-11

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zhao1 ; chao2 Reading On チョウ Reading Kun あさ Nanori あ ; あそ ; ささ ; ちか ; とも Reading Korean jo Reading Korean
Meaning morning ; dynasty ; regime ; epoch ; period ; ( North ) Korea Meaning fr matin ; dynastie ; régime ; période ; époque ; Corée ( Nord ) Meaning es mañana ; amanecer ; corte imperial Meaning pt manhã ; disnastia ; regime ; época ; período ; Coréia do Norte
Miscellaneous JIS 208 36-11

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yu4 Reading On ヨク ; イキ ; イク Reading Kun たら ; くぬぎ
Meaning thorny shrub with yellow flowers
Miscellaneous JIS 212 36-11

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