Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to seep out , excrete
Pinyin MI4 BI4 Jyutping bat6 bei3 On HITSU HI Kun NAGARERU NIJIMU Hangul Korean PHIL PI
KS X 1001:1992 8918

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the leg of a boot
Pinyin YAO4 Jyutping aau3 ngaau3 On OU YOU Kun KAWAGUSHI
GB 7589-87 8918

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to make a top knot ; ( Cant .) 鬅鬠 , to be slovenly dressed
Pinyin KUAI4 KUO4 Jyutping kut3 zang3 On KATSU GACHI KAI KE Kun TABANERU MOTOYUI Korean KWAL Viet xoáy
GB 7590-87 8918

Unicode 5.2
Character 𩟭
KPS 10721-2000 8918

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ceremonial gowns of a queen
Pinyin HUI1 Jyutping fai1 On I KIKU Kun HIZAKAKE Hangul Korean WI
Simplified U+8886
Unicode Code Point 8918

HanDeDict 100318

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to seep out , excrete
Pinyin Jyutping bat6 bei3 On HITSU HI Kun NAGARERU NIJIMU Hangul : 0N : 0N Korean PHIL PI
KS X 1001:1992 8918

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition glare at ; look askance at ; squint
Pinyin piǎo Jyutping piu5 On HYOU BYOU Kun MIRU
PRC Telegraph Code 8918

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the leg of a boot
Pinyin yào Jyutping aau3 ngaau3 On OU YOU Kun KAWAGUSHI
GB 7589-87 8918

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to make a top knot ; ( Cant .) 鬅鬠 , to be slovenly dressed
Pinyin kuò Jyutping kut3 zang3 On KATSU GACHI KAI KE Kun TABANERU MOTOYUI Korean KWAL Viet xoáy
GB 7590-87 8918

Unicode 12.1
Character 𩟭
Pinyin lóng
KPS 10721-2000 8918

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ceremonial gowns of a queen
Pinyin huī Jyutping fai1 On I KIKU Kun HIZAKAKE Hangul : 0N Korean WI
Simplified U+8886
Unicode Code Point 8918

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition holmium
Pinyin HUO3 HUO2 Jyutping fo2 On KA
Simplified U+94AC

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition shovel
Pinyin QIAO1 Jyutping ciu1 On SHUU SHOU Kun SUKI KUWA Hangul Korean CHO
Simplified U+9539

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition holmium
Pinyin huǒ Jyutping fo2 On KA
Simplified U+94AC

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition shovel
Pinyin qiāo Jyutping ciu1 On SHUU SHOU Kun SUKI KUWA Hangul : 1N Korean CHO
Simplified U+9539

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lock , padlock ; shackles , chains
Pinyin SUO3 Jyutping so2 On SA Kun KUSARI TOZASU Hangul Korean SWAY Tang *suɑ̌ Viet toả
Simplified U+9501

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition lock , padlock ; shackles , chains
Pinyin suǒ Jyutping so2 On SA Kun KUSARI TOZASU Hangul : 0E Korean SWAY Tang *suɑ̌ Viet toả
Simplified U+9501

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition long spear
Pinyin TAN2 XIAN1 YAN3 Jyutping taam4 On TAN DAN SEN ZEN Hangul Korean TAM
Simplified U+952C

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition long spear
Pinyin tán Jyutping taam4 On TAN DAN SEN ZEN Hangul : 0N Korean TAM
Simplified U+952C

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