CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin li2
English pattering ( of rain ) ; seep through

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin li2
English name of a river ; seep through

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin li2
English pattering ( of rain ) ; seep through

JMdict 200217
Reading セープ
Translation eng soap ; cep ( Boletus edulis ) ; cèpe ; penny bun ; porcino Source Language dut zeep
Crossref ヤマドリタケ

JMdict 100319
Word 染み出し ; しみ出し
Reading しみだし
Translation eng seepage

CEDict 100318
Traditional 滲漏 Simplified 渗漏
Pinyin shen4 lou4
English seepage ; leakage

JMdict 200217
Word 染み出し ; しみ出し
Reading しみだし
Translation eng seepage

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 滲漏 Simplified 渗漏
Pinyin shen4 lou4
English seepage ; leakage

JMdict 200217
Word 透水
Reading とうすい
Translation eng permeation (e.g. of water ) ; percolation ; seepage Translation ger Durchsickern von Wasser ; Wasserdurchlassen

JMdict 200217
Reading ブリード
Translation eng bleeding (e.g. dyes ) ; seepage ; breeding ; lineage ; pedigree ; breeding ; raising livestock , etc . ; bleeding ; losing blood Translation ger Ausbluten von Farbe

CEDict 100318
Traditional 熏陶 Simplified 熏陶
Pinyin xun1 tao2
English nurturing (i.e. assimilate some branch of culture ) ; seeped in

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 龍落子 Simplified 龙落子
Pinyin long2 luo4 zi5
Deutsch Seepferd (S) ; Seepferdchen (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 龍落子 Simplified 龙落子
Pinyin long2 luo4 zi5
Deutsch Seepferd (S, Zool ) ; Seepferdchen (S, Zool )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 海馬 Simplified 海马
Pinyin hai3 ma3
Deutsch Seepferdchen (u.E.) (S)

JMdict 200217
Reading シーホース
Translation hun csikóhal
Translation eng seahorse Translation ger Seepferdchen
Crossref タツノオトシゴ

JMdict 200217
Word 竜の落とし子 ; 竜の落し子
Reading たつのおとしご ; タツノオトシゴ
Translation dut zeepaardje {dierk .} ; snaper ; Hippocampus Translation swe sjöhäst
Translation eng seahorse ; sea horse Translation ger Seepferdchen ; Hippocampinae

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 海馬 Simplified 海马
Pinyin hai3 ma3
Deutsch Seepferdchen (S, Zool )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 海馬屬 Simplified 海马属
Pinyin hai3 ma3 shu3
Deutsch Seepferdchen , Seepferd (u.E.) (S, Bio ) ; Hippocampus spec . (u.E.) ( Eig , Bio )

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 海馬屬 Simplified 海马属
Pinyin hai3 ma3 shu3
Deutsch Seepferdchen , Seepferd (S, Zool ) ; Hippocampus spec . ( Eig , Zool )

JMdict 100319
Word 海草
Reading かいそう
Translation eng seaweed ; marine plant Translation ger {Bot .} Seegras ; Seepflanze ; Meerespflanze

JMdict 200217
Word 海草
Reading かいそう ; うみくさ ; うみぐさ
Translation dut zeewier {plantk .} ; wier ; alg ; alge ; zeegras {plantk .} Translation hun hínár
Translation eng seaweed ; marine plant ; seagrass Translation ger Algen ; Seegras ; Seepflanze ; Meerespflanze Translation rus водоросли
Crossref 海藻

JMdict 200217
Reading じんわり
Translation hun fokozatosan
Translation eng gradually ( progressing ) ; steadily ; slowly ; seeping out ( sweat , tears , etc .) Translation ger langsam aber sicher ; Schritt für Schritt ; schrittweise ; nach und nach ; allmählich ; heraussickernd

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Reading じゅくじゅく
Translation spa mojado ; empapado ; que rezuma ; encharcado
Translation eng oozily ; seeping out ; very damply ; humidly

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