JMdict 200217
Reading パレス ; パラス
Translation dut paleis ; pareth {chem .} Translation spa palacio ( eng : palace ) Translation swe palats ; slott
Translation eng palace Translation ger Palast ; Vergnügungspalast ; Pallas ( Beiname der Athene ) Translation rus (( англ .) palace ) дворец

JMdict 200217
Word 九重の天
Reading きゅうちょうのてん
Translation swe palats ; slott
Translation eng the palace

JMdict 200217
Word 殿閣
Reading でんかく
Translation spa palacio Translation swe palats ; slott
Translation eng palace

JMdict 200217
Word 殿舎
Reading でんしゃ
Translation spa palacio Translation swe palats ; slott
Translation eng palace Translation ger Palast

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 宮殿
Reading きゅうでん
Translation dut paleis Translation spa palacio Translation swe palats ; slott
Translation eng palace Translation ger Palast ; Schloss ; Schrein Translation fre palais Translation rus дворец ; чертоги

Records 1 - 6 of 6 retrieved in 92 ms