Unicode 5.2
Character Definition stir-fry or boil in water or oil then cook with a sauce
Pinyin QIANG4 Jyutping coeng3
Traditional U+7197

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition stir-fry or boil in water or oil then cook with a sauce
Pinyin QIANG4 Jyutping coeng3
Simplified U+709D

JMdict 100319
Word 炒め物
Reading いためもの
Translation eng stir-fry ; ( wok , frying pan ) fried food Translation ger {Kochk .} Gebratenes ; ( Fisch oder Gemüse )
Crossref 揚げ物

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition stir-fry or boil in water or oil then cook with a sauce
Pinyin qiàng Jyutping coeng3
Traditional U+7197

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition stir-fry or boil in water or oil then cook with a sauce
Pinyin qiàng Jyutping coeng3
Simplified U+709D

JMdict 200217
Word 炒め物
Reading いためもの
Translation dut roergebakken gerecht {cul .} ; gesauteerde schotel ; snel opgebakken maaltje ; gerecht
Translation eng stir-fry ; fried food ( cooked in wok , frying pan , etc .) Translation ger Gebratenes ( Fisch oder Gemüse )
Crossref 揚げ物

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