HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 防臭劑 Simplified 防臭剂
Pinyin fang2 chou4 ji4
Deutsch Deodorant (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 除臭藥 Simplified 除臭药
Pinyin chu2 chou4 yao4
Deutsch Deodorant (S)

JMdict 100319
Word 防臭
Reading ぼうしゅう
Translation eng odor-resistant ; odour-resistant Translation ger Deodorierung ; Desodorierung

JMdict 100319
Word 脱臭
Reading だっしゅう
Translation eng deodorization ; deodorisation Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Desodorierung

JMdict 200217

JMdict 100319
Word 消臭
Reading しょうしゅう
Translation eng deodorization

JMdict 200217

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin de2 Reading On トク Nanori あつ ; なる ; のり ; ゆき ; よし Reading Korean deog Reading Korean
Meaning benevolence ; virtue ; goodness ; commanding respect Meaning fr bienveillance ; vertu ; bonté ; respectable Meaning es benevolencia ; virtud ; moralidad ; beneficioso ; rentable Meaning pt benevolência ; virtude ; bondade ; comandando respeito

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin de2 Reading On トク Nanori いさお Reading Korean deog Reading Korean
Meaning ethics ; morality ; virtue

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin de2 Reading On トク Nanori あつ ; なる ; のり ; ゆき ; よし Reading Korean deog Reading Korean
Meaning benevolence ; virtue ; goodness ; commanding respect Meaning fr bienveillance ; vertu ; bonté ; respectable Meaning es benevolencia ; virtud ; moralidad ; beneficioso ; rentable Meaning pt benevolência ; virtude ; bondade ; comandando respeito

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin de2 Reading On トク Nanori いさお Reading Korean deog Reading Korean
Meaning ethics ; morality ; virtue

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition agricultural implements
Pinyin YAN3 Jyutping deoi1 haang1 zim1 zim2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) to heap up ; to pile , a heap ; a pile ; a mass ; a crowd
Jyutping deoi1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to suffer a stroke of paralysis or apoplexy
Pinyin TUI3 Jyutping deoi1 teoi2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a kind of vessel ; a container
Pinyin TUI2 Jyutping deoi1 seoi1 teoi4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition steamed dumplings
Jyutping deoi1 zeoi1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to swell up greatly , to swell ; a swelling ; a boil
Pinyin HUI3 Jyutping deoi1 gwaai3 kui2 waa2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to blame ; to reproach , to punish , to throw ; to cast , ( same as ) to pile ; a heap
Jyutping deoi1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition steamed dumplings ; cakes
Jyutping deoi1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition heap , pile , crowd ; pile up
Pinyin DUI1 Jyutping deoi1 On TAI TSUI Kun UZUTAKAI Hangul Korean THOY Tang *duəi Viet đôi

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition esteem ; honest , candid , sincere
Pinyin DUN1 DUI4 DIAO1 DUI1 TUAN2 TUN2 Jyutping deoi1 deoi6 deon1 On TON DAN CHOU Kun ATSUI Hangul Korean TON THOY Tang duəi Viet đôn

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠂤 Definition to store up , to pile up
Pinyin DUI1 Jyutping deoi1

Unicode 5.2
Character 𣳨 Definition to store up , pile up
Jyutping deoi1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition agricultural implements
Pinyin gān Jyutping deoi1 haang1 zim1 zim2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as ) to heap up ; to pile , a heap ; a pile ; a mass ; a crowd
Jyutping deoi1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to suffer a stroke of paralysis or apoplexy
Pinyin tuǐ Jyutping deoi1 teoi2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a kind of vessel ; a container
Pinyin tuí Jyutping deoi1 seoi1 teoi4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition steamed dumplings
Jyutping deoi1 zeoi1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to swell up greatly , to swell ; a swelling ; a boil
Pinyin huǐ Jyutping deoi1 gwaai3 kui2 waa2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to blame ; to reproach , to punish , to throw ; to cast , ( same as ) to pile ; a heap
Pinyin duī Jyutping deoi1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition steamed dumplings ; cakes
Pinyin duī Jyutping deoi1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition heap , pile , crowd ; pile up
Pinyin duī Jyutping deoi1 On TAI TSUI Kun UZUTAKAI Hangul : 0N Korean THOY Tang *duəi Viet đôi

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition esteem ; honest , candid , sincere
Pinyin dūn Jyutping deoi1 deoi6 deon1 On TON DAN CHOU Kun ATSUI Hangul : 0E Korean TON THOY Tang duəi Viet đôn

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to throw (a stone )
Pinyin duī Jyutping deoi1 zeoi6 On TAI TE TSUI ZUI Kun OTOSU UTSU Tang duəi

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠂤 Definition to store up , to pile up
Pinyin duī Jyutping deoi1

Unicode 12.1
Character 𣳨 Definition to store up , pile up
Jyutping deoi1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to stand alone ; independent
Pinyin DIAO4 Jyutping deoi2 diu6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to move , to hang down ; to let fall , ( same as ) a target , a battlement , to add up ; to pile up
Pinyin DUO3 Jyutping deoi2 do2 Tang njiuɛn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as U+6736 ) a flower ; a cluster of flowers ; a bud , lobe of the ear
Pinyin DUO3 Jyutping deoi2

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢵌 Definition ( Cant .) to goad , incite
Jyutping deoi2 Viet dụi

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢷮 Definition ( Cant .) to poke , nudge ; stretch out
Jyutping deoi2 Viet dúi

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to stand alone ; independent
Pinyin diào Jyutping deoi2 diu6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to move , to hang down ; to let fall , ( same as ) a target , a battlement , to add up ; to pile up
Pinyin duǒ Jyutping deoi2 do2 Tang njiuɛn

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as U+6736 ) a flower ; a cluster of flowers ; a bud , lobe of the ear
Pinyin duǒ Jyutping deoi2

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢵌 Definition ( Cant .) to goad , incite
Jyutping deoi2 Viet dụi

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢷮 Definition ( Cant .) to poke , nudge ; stretch out
Jyutping deoi2 Viet dúi
Simplified U+22ACA

Unicode 12.1
Character 𦞙
Pinyin huǐ Jyutping deoi2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) puppets , very tired ; fatigued ; weary and weak
Pinyin LEI3 Jyutping deoi3 leoi5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wall ; fence , ( interchangeable with ) a hole
Pinyin DUI4 Jyutping deoi3

Records 51 - 100 of 132 retrieved in 1209 ms