JMdict 200217
Reading ベリカード
Translation eng verification card Translation ger QSL-Karte

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin zhèn On SHIN KIN KON Kun TASU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sweep , clear away ; exterminate
Pinyin SAO3 SAO4 Jyutping sou2 sou3
Traditional U+6383

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sweep , clear away ; exterminate
Pinyin sǎo Jyutping sou2 sou3
Traditional U+6383

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fold , bend ; twisted , curved
Pinyin ZHE2 LA1 Jyutping zaap3 zip3 On SHOU ROU Kun HIDA SURU SURI Hangul Korean CEP Viet dập

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fold , bend ; twisted , curved
Pinyin zhé Jyutping zaap3 zip3 On SHOU ROU Kun HIDA SURU SURI Hangul : 0N Korean CEP Viet dập

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sweep , clear away ; exterminate
Pinyin SAO3 SAO4 Jyutping sou2 sou3 On SOU Kun HAKU HARAU Hangul Korean SO Tang *sɑ̌u sɑ̀u Viet tảo
Simplified U+626B

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sweep , clear away ; exterminate
Pinyin sǎo Jyutping sou2 sou3 On SOU Kun HAKU HARAU Hangul : 0E Korean SO Tang *sɑ̌u sɑ̀u Viet tảo
Simplified U+626B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition grasp , hold fast , take by hand
Pinyin WO4 Jyutping aak1 ak1 On AKU Kun NIGIRU NIGIRI Hangul Korean AK Tang qak

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pull up , draw up ; select
Pinyin ZHUO2 Jyutping zaak6 zok6 On TEKI TAKU Kun NUKINDERU Hangul Korean THAK Tang djhak

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition grasp , hold fast , take by hand
Pinyin Jyutping aak1 ak1 On AKU Kun NIGIRU NIGIRI Hangul : 0N Korean AK Tang qak

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pull up , draw up ; select
Pinyin zhuó Jyutping zaak6 zok6 On TEKI TAKU Kun NUKINDERU Hangul : 0N Korean THAK Tang djhak

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to strangle ; to inquire into
Pinyin LIAO2 JIU1 LIU2 Jyutping gau1 lau4 On KYUU RYUU KU Kun KUKURU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to strangle ; to inquire into
Pinyin jiū Jyutping gau1 lau4 On KYUU RYUU KU Kun KUKURU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pull out , pluck ; take hold of
Pinyin XUN2 XIAN2 Jyutping cam4 On SAN ZAN SHIN JIN Kun TORU
Simplified U+6326

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pull out , pluck ; take hold of
Pinyin xián Jyutping cam4 On SAN ZAN SHIN JIN Kun TORU
Simplified U+6326

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) to move ; to shake ; to wield ; to direct , to arouse
Jyutping buk1 faai1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as ) to move ; to shake ; to wield ; to direct , to arouse
Jyutping buk1 faai1

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin On KU

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CHENG2 Jyutping caang4

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin chéng Jyutping caang4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition select , choose , pick out
Pinyin ZE2 On TAKU Kun ERABU Korean THAYK
Variant U+64C7

JMdict 100319

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition select , choose , pick out
Pinyin On TAKU Kun ERABU Korean THAYK
Variant U+64C7

JMdict 200217
Reading クエーサー
Translation hun kvazár Translation spa quasar ( eng :) ; QSO
Translation eng quasar ; QSO Translation ger Quasar ( kosmisches Objekt mit starker Radiofrequenzstrahlung ) Translation rus квазар

JMdict 200217
Word 準星
Reading じゅんせい
Translation hun kvazár Translation spa quasar ; QSO Translation swe kvasar
Translation eng quasar ; QSO Translation ger Quasar ( sehr fernes kosmisches Objekt mit starker Radiofrequenzstrahlung )
Crossref クエーサー ; 準恒星状天体

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) to wipe ; to scrub ; to rub , to dust ; to clean , (a dialect ) to scratch with fingers lightly , (a dialect ) to carry on the arm
Pinyin HUI4 KUAI3 WAI4 Jyutping kwaai5

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as ) to wipe ; to scrub ; to rub , to dust ; to clean , (a dialect ) to scratch with fingers lightly , (a dialect ) to carry on the arm
Pinyin huì Jyutping kwaai5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tall and big ; colossal
Pinyin AO4 Jyutping ngou6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition tall and big ; colossal
Pinyin ào Jyutping ngou6 Hangul :N

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) to crush , mash , grind
Pinyin NI3 Jyutping nai4 On JI NI DEI NAI Kun TOMARU Viet nai

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( Cant .) to crush , mash , grind
Pinyin Jyutping nai4 On JI NI DEI NAI Kun TOMARU Viet nai

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition move , shift on one side
Pinyin NUO2 RUO2 Jyutping no1 no4 On DA NA Kun MOMU Hangul Korean NA Viet

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition move , shift on one side
Pinyin nuó Jyutping no1 no4 On DA NA Kun MOMU Hangul : 1N Korean NA Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to beat the breast
Pinyin PI4 PI3 Jyutping pik1 On HEKI BYAKU HYAKU HAKU Kun MUNEOUTSU Hangul Korean PYEK Tang bɛk

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to beat the breast
Pinyin Jyutping pik1 On HEKI BYAKU HYAKU HAKU Kun MUNEOUTSU Hangul : 1N Korean PYEK Tang bɛk

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition raise , lift up ; tight-fisted
Pinyin KOU1 Jyutping kau1 On KOU KU OU U Kun HIROU Hangul Korean KWU Viet khua
Simplified U+62A0

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition raise , lift up ; tight-fisted
Pinyin kōu Jyutping kau1 On KOU KU OU U Kun HIROU Hangul : 1N Korean KWU Viet khua
Simplified U+62A0

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ward off with hand , defend
Pinyin JU4 JU3 Jyutping keoi5 On KYO KU Kun KOBAMU FUSEGU Hangul Korean KE KWU Tang ghiǔ Viet cự

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ward off with hand , defend
Pinyin Jyutping keoi5 On KYO KU Kun KOBAMU FUSEGU Hangul : 0E Korean KE KWU Tang ghiǔ Viet cự

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition strong and pliable , resilient
Pinyin REN4 Jyutping jan6
Traditional U+97CC

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition strong and pliable , resilient
Pinyin rèn Jyutping jan6
Traditional U+97CC

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hold in hands
Pinyin JU2 Jyutping guk6 On KYOKU KOKU Kun SASAE MOTSU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hold in hands
Pinyin Jyutping guk6 On KYOKU KOKU Kun SASAE MOTSU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition expel , cast off ; arrange
Pinyin BING4 Jyutping bing2 bing3 On HEI HYOU Kun HARAU Korean PYENG
Variant U+5C4F

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