
JMdict 100319
Word 納豆
Reading なっとう
Translation eng natto ( fermented soybeans ) Translation ger {Kochk .} Nattô ; ( gegorene Sojabohnen ) Translation fre natto ( soja étuvé et fermenté )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 納豆 Simplified 纳豆
Pinyin na4 dou4
English stinky tofu ( Japanese natto ) ; strong-smelling fermented soybeans ; same as 臭豆腐

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 納豆 Simplified 纳豆
Pinyin na4 dou4
Deutsch Nattō (u.E.)

JMdict 200217
Word 納豆
Reading なっとう
Translation dut natto ; gefermenteerde sojabonen Translation slv natto ( japonska jed ) Translation spa Natto
Translation eng natto ( fermented soybeans ) Translation ger Nattō ( Lebensmittel aus vergorenen Sojabohnen ) Translation fre natto ( soja étuvé et fermenté ) Translation rus натто ( перебродившая и высушенная масса из соевых бобов )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 納豆 Simplified 纳豆
Pinyin na4 dou4
English nattō , a type of fermented soybean , popular as a breakfast food in Japan

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 納豆 Simplified 纳豆
Pinyin na4 dou4
Deutsch Nattō

JMdict 100319
Word 納豆菌
Reading なっとうきん
Translation eng bacillus subtilis natto

CEDict 100318
Traditional 納豆菌 Simplified 纳豆菌
Pinyin na4 dou4 jun1
English Bacillus subtilis ( formerly Bacillus natto ), a common soil bacterium

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 納豆菌 Simplified 纳豆菌
Pinyin na4 dou4 jun1
English Bacillus subtilis ( formerly Bacillus natto ), a common soil bacterium

JMdict 200217
Word 納豆汁
Reading なっとうじる
Translation eng miso soup with natto Translation ger Misosuppe mit zerkleinertem Nattō

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