Unicode 12.1
Character Definition track , rut , path
Pinyin guǐ Jyutping gwai2
Traditional U+8ECC
kTGH 2013 : 404

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition error , mistake ; deceive , mislead
Pinyin guà Jyutping gwaa3
Traditional U+8A7F

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition question , interrogate
Pinyin Jyutping gat1 kit3
Traditional U+8A70

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition perverse , recalcitrant , rebellious
Pinyin Jyutping leoi6 On REI RAI Kun MODOSU MOTORU ITARU Hangul : 0N Korean LYE LYEL Viet lệ
Variant U+623B

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition tease , joke with ; ridicule , mock
Pinyin huī Jyutping fui1
Traditional U+8A7C

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to bale out water
Pinyin Jyutping fu3 On KO GO KU Kun KUMU AKAKUMI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition surname ; an ancient town's name
Pinyin yùn Jyutping wan6
Traditional U+9106

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the open seam of a garment which allows freedom of movement
Pinyin chǎ Jyutping caa3 On SAI SHA SA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition Ormazda , god of the Zoroastrians ; extended to god of the Manicheans
Pinyin xiān Jyutping jiu1 On KEN TEN Hangul : 1N Korean CHEN

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition excellent
Pinyin Jyutping ji1
Traditional U+7995

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition happiness , blessings , good luck
Pinyin zhǐ Jyutping zi2 On SHI CHI Kun SAIWAI Hangul : 0N Korean CI

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