Unicode 5.2
Character Definition again , twice , re-
Pinyin ZAI4 Jyutping zoi3 On SAI SA Kun FUTATABI Hangul Korean CAY Tang *tzə̀i tzə̀i Viet tái
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 4607

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition admit , take , receive , accept
Pinyin NA4 Jyutping naap6 On TOU NOU NA Kun OSAMERU IRERU Hangul Korean NAP Tang *nop Viet nạp
Simplified U+7EB3
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 4607

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition soon after , soon ; almost ; no more than ; after all
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 4607

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition relay station
Pinyin YI4 Jyutping jik6 On EKI Kun UMAYA Hangul Korean YEK Tang *iɛk Viet dịch
Simplified U+9A7F
Hong Kong proper shape 4607

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surround , encircle , corral
Pinyin WEI2 Jyutping wai4
Traditional U+570D
GB 2312-80 4607

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surround , encircle , corral
Pinyin WEI2 Jyutping wai4 On I Kun KAKOMU Hangul Korean WI Tang *hiuəi Viet
Simplified U+56F4 Variant U+56F2
GB 12345-90 4607

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition statute , principle , regulation
Pinyin LÜ4 Jyutping leot6 On RITSU RICHI Kun NORI Hangul Korean LYUL Tang luit Viet luật
Variant U+F9D8
JIS X 0208-1990 4607

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ward off , guard against , defend
Pinyin HAN4 Jyutping hon2 hon5 hon6 On KAN Kun FUSEGU Hangul Korean HAN Viet cản
Variant U+625E
KPS 10721-2000 4607

Unicode 5.2
JIS X 0212-1990 4607

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dwarf bamboo ; diminutive in person's name
Pinyin XIAO3 Jyutping siu2 siu6 On SHOU Kun SHINO Hangul Korean SO
Variant U+7BE0
PRC Telegraph Code 4607 Taiwan Telegraph 4607

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dirty ; filthy
Pinyin ZANG1 ZA1 ZAN1 Jyutping zim1
Simplified U+81DC
GB 7589-87 4607

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cooking-pot , saucepan
Pinyin GUO1 GUO3 Jyutping wo1 On KA Kun NABE Hangul Korean KWA
Simplified U+9505
KS X 1001:1992 4607

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) mosquito ; gnat
Pinyin WEN2 WEN4 Jyutping man1
Unicode Code Point 4607

HanDeDict 100318

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qi2 Reading Kun かすり Reading Korean je Reading Korean
Meaning splashed pattern dyeing or weaving
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 4607

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Kun やがて ; たか Reading Korean eung Reading Korean
Meaning soon after ; presently ; almost ; all but ; no more than ; after all ; falcoln ; hawk
Miscellaneous Nelson Classic Variant 4607

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Kun やがて Reading Korean eung Reading Korean
Meaning soon after ; presently ; almost ; all but ; no more than ; after all ; ( kokuji )
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 4607

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition again , twice , re-
Pinyin zài Jyutping zoi3 On SAI SA Kun FUTATABI Hangul : 0E Korean CAY Tang *tzə̀i tzə̀i Viet tái
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 4607

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition admit , take , receive , accept
Pinyin Jyutping naap6 On TOU NOU NA Kun OSAMERU IRERU Hangul : 0E Korean NAP Tang *nop Viet nạp
Simplified U+7EB3
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 4607

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition soon after , soon ; almost ; no more than ; after all
Pinyin yīng Kun YAGATE
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 4607

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition relay station
Pinyin Jyutping jik6 On EKI Kun UMAYA Hangul : 0E Korean YEK Tang *iɛk Viet dịch
Simplified U+9A7F
Hong Kong proper shape 4607

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition surround , encircle , corral
Pinyin wéi Jyutping wai4
Traditional U+570D
GB 2312-80 4607

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition surround , encircle , corral
Pinyin wéi Jyutping wai4 On I Kun KAKOMU Hangul : 0E Korean WI Tang *hiuəi Viet
Simplified U+56F4 Variant U+56F2
GB 12345-90 4607

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition statute , principle , regulation
Pinyin Jyutping leot6 On RITSU RICHI Kun NORI Hangul : 0E :0 Korean LYUL Tang luit Viet luật
Variant U+F9D8
JIS X 0208-1990 4607

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ward off , guard against , defend
Pinyin hàn Jyutping hon2 hon5 hon6 On KAN Kun FUSEGU Hangul : 1N Korean HAN Viet cản
Variant U+625E
KPS 10721-2000 4607

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin qiáo On SHOU JOU SOU Kun YASERU
JIS X 0212-1990 4607

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition dwarf bamboo ; diminutive in person's name
Pinyin xiǎo Jyutping siu2 siu6 On SHOU Kun SHINO Hangul : 1N Korean SO
Variant U+7BE0
PRC Telegraph Code 4607 Taiwan Telegraph 4607

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition dirty ; filthy
Pinyin Jyutping zim1
Simplified U+81DC
GB 7589-87 4607

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cooking-pot , saucepan
Pinyin guō Jyutping wo1 On KA Kun NABE Hangul : 0N Korean KWA
Simplified U+9505
KS X 1001:1992 4607

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as ) mosquito ; gnat
Pinyin wén Jyutping man1
Unicode Code Point 4607

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin qi2 Reading Kun かすり Reading Korean je Reading Korean
Meaning splashed pattern dyeing or weaving ; ( kokuji )
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 4607

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Kun やがて ; たか Reading Korean eung Reading Korean
Meaning soon after ; presently ; almost ; all but ; no more than ; after all ; falcoln ; hawk
Miscellaneous Nelson Classic Variant 4607

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Kun やがて Reading Korean eung Reading Korean
Meaning soon after ; presently ; almost ; all but ; no more than ; after all ; ( kokuji )
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 4607

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sheatfish , parasilurus asotus
Pinyin NIAN2 On NEN Kun AYU NAMAZU Hangul Korean CEM
Simplified U+9C87

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin nian2 Reading On デン ; ネン Reading Kun あゆ ; なまず Nanori あい Reading Korean jeom Reading Korean
Meaning freshwater trout ; smelt Meaning es trucha

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sheatfish , parasilurus asotus
Pinyin nián Jyutping lim4 nim4 On NEN Kun AYU NAMAZU Hangul : 0N Korean CEM

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin nian2 Reading On デン ; ネン Reading Kun あゆ ; なまず Nanori あい Reading Korean jeom Reading Korean
Meaning freshwater trout ; smelt Meaning es trucha

Unicode 5.2

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xing1 Reading On セイ ; ショウ ; ソウ Reading Kun なまぐさ .い ; なまぐさ ; さけ

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin xīng Jyutping seng1 sing1 On SEI SHOU SOU Kun NAMAGUSAI NAMAGUSA SAKE

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xing1 Reading On セイ ; ショウ ; ソウ Reading Kun なまぐさ .い ; なまぐさ ; さけ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition blowfish , globefish , tetraodon
Pinyin TAI2 Jyutping toi4 On TAI I Kun FUGU Korean THAY
Simplified U+9C90

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin tai2 Reading On タイ ; イ Reading Kun ふぐ Reading Korean tae
Meaning blowfish ; globefish ; tetraodon

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition blowfish , globefish , tetraodon
Pinyin tái Jyutping toi4 On TAI I Kun FUGU Hangul :N Korean THAY
Simplified U+9C90

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin tai2 Reading On タイ ; イ Reading Kun ふぐ Reading Korean tae
Meaning blowfish ; globefish ; tetraodon

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition abalone ; dried fish ; surname
Pinyin BAO4 BAO1 PAO1 Jyutping baau1 baau6 On HOU Kun AWABI Hangul Korean PHO Tang bhǎu
Simplified U+9C8D

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bao4 Reading On ホ ; ホウ Reading Kun あわび Reading Korean po Reading Korean
Meaning abalone

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition abalone ; dried fish ; surname
Pinyin bào Jyutping baau1 baau6 On HOU Kun AWABI Hangul : 0N Korean PHO Tang bhǎu
Simplified U+9C8D

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin bao4 Reading On ホ ; ホウ Reading Kun あわび Reading Korean po Reading Korean
Meaning abalone

Records 1 - 50 of 58 retrieved in 342 ms