Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lose ; make mistake , neglect
Pinyin SHI1 Jyutping sat1 On SHITSU ITSU Kun USHINAU Hangul Korean SIL Tang *shit Viet thất
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 5806

Unicode 5.2
Character 㹿 Definition a fierce dog , bite fiercely ( said of dog ), hunting in winter , a kind of beast
Pinyin DIAO3 ZHAO4 ZHUO2 Jyutping coek3
KPS 10721-2000 5806

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition strange , unusual , peculiar
Pinyin GUAI4 Jyutping gwaai3 On KAI KE Kun AYASHII Hangul Korean KOY
KS X 1002:1991 5806

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition thumb ; break , tear open , rip
Pinyin BO4 Jyutping maak3 On HAKU HEKI BYAKU Kun SAKU Hangul Korean PYEK
JIS X 0208-1990 5806

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin JI4 On KI
JIS X 0212-1990 5806

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition creep like worm , curl one's body
Pinyin QUAN2 JUAN3 Jyutping kyun4 On KEN Kun NINA Hangul Korean KWEN
PRC Telegraph Code 5806 Taiwan Telegraph 5806

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition expose other's secrets , pry
Pinyin JIE2 JI4 Jyutping kit3 On KETSU Kun ABAKU Hangul Korean AL
Simplified U+8BA6
GB 12345-90 5806

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition expose other's secrets , pry
Pinyin JIE2 Jyutping kit3
Traditional U+8A10
GB 2312-80 5806

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gate , door , entrance , opening
Pinyin MEN2 Jyutping mun4 On MON BON Kun KADO Hangul Korean MWUN Tang *mən Viet môn
Simplified U+95E8
KS X 1001:1992 5806

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition heap , pile , crowd ; pile up
Pinyin DUI1 Jyutping deoi1 On TAI TSUI Kun UZUTAKAI Hangul Korean THOY Tang *duəi Viet đôi
Unicode Code Point 5806

HanDeDict 100318

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhen4 Reading On シン Reading Kun にぎ . わい ; にぎ . やか ; にぎ . わす ; にぎ . わう Reading Korean jin Reading Korean
Meaning flourish ; be bustling ; prosperity Meaning es prosperidad ; florecimiento ; bullicio ; prosperar ; florecer ; bullicioso
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 5806

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition lose ; make mistake , neglect
Pinyin shī Jyutping sat1 On SHITSU ITSU Kun USHINAU Hangul : 0E Korean SIL Tang *shit Viet thất
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 5806

Unicode 12.1
Character 㹿 Definition a fierce dog , bite fiercely ( said of dog ), hunting in winter , a kind of beast
Pinyin zhuó Jyutping coek3
KPS 10721-2000 5806

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition strange , unusual , peculiar
Pinyin guài Jyutping gwaai3 On KAI KE Kun AYASHII Hangul :1 Korean KOY
KS X 1002:1991 5806

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition thumb ; break , tear open , rip
Pinyin bāi Jyutping maak3 On HAKU HEKI BYAKU Kun SAKU Hangul : 0N Korean PYEK
JIS X 0208-1990 5806

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin On KI
JIS X 0212-1990 5806

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition creep like worm , curl one's body
Pinyin quán Jyutping kyun4 On KEN Kun NINA Hangul : 1N Korean KWEN
PRC Telegraph Code 5806 Taiwan Telegraph 5806

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition expose other's secrets , pry
Pinyin jié Jyutping kit3 On KETSU Kun ABAKU Hangul : 1N Korean AL
Simplified U+8BA6
GB 12345-90 5806

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition expose other's secrets , pry
Pinyin jié Jyutping kit3
Traditional U+8A10
GB 2312-80 5806

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition gate , door , entrance , opening
Pinyin mén Jyutping mun4 On MON BON Kun KADO Hangul : 0E Korean MWUN Tang *mən Viet môn
Simplified U+95E8
KS X 1001:1992 5806

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition heap , pile , crowd ; pile up
Pinyin duī Jyutping deoi1 On TAI TSUI Kun UZUTAKAI Hangul : 0N Korean THOY Tang *duəi Viet đôi
Unicode Code Point 5806

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zhen4 Reading On シン Reading Kun にぎ . わい ; にぎ . やか ; にぎ . わす ; にぎ . わう Reading Korean jin Reading Korean
Meaning flourish ; be bustling ; prosperity Meaning es prosperidad ; florecimiento ; bullicio ; prosperar ; florecer ; bullicioso
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 5806

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin JIU1 Viet dùa

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin jiū Viet dùa

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pick up , collect , tidy up ; accounting form of the numeral ten Value 10
Pinyin SHI2 JIE4 SHE4 Jyutping sap6 On SHUU JUU Kun HIROU TOO Hangul Korean SUP SIP Tang zhip Viet thập

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition discard , give up willingly ; give alms
Pinyin SHE3 Jyutping se2 On SHA Kun SUTERU Hangul Korean SA Tang shiǎ Viet xả
Simplified U+820D

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YIN1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) to strike , pound
Pinyin DA1 Jyutping dap3 On TOU Korean THAP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition light carriage ; trifling , light
Pinyin YOU2 Jyutping jau4 On YUU YU Kun KARUI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pick up , collect , tidy up ; accounting form of the numeral ten Value 10
Pinyin shí Jyutping sap6 On SHUU JUU Kun HIROU TOO Hangul : 0E : 0N Korean SUP SIP Tang zhip Viet thập

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition discard , give up willingly ; give alms
Pinyin shě Jyutping se2 On SHA Kun SUTERU Hangul : 0E Korean SA Tang shiǎ Viet xả
Simplified U+820D

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin yáo

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( Cant .) to strike , pound
Pinyin Jyutping dap3 On TOU Korean THAP

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition light carriage ; trifling , light
Pinyin yóu Jyutping jau4 On YUU YU Kun KARUI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to hold in the hand , to grasp ; to wring
Pinyin ZUAN4 Jyutping zaan6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to hold in the hand , to grasp ; to wring
Pinyin zǎn Jyutping zaan6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition plunder , rob , take by force
Pinyin QIANG3 QIANG1 CHENG1 Jyutping coeng1 coeng2 On SHOU Kun TSUKU KOBAMU TODOKU Hangul Korean CHANG
Simplified U+62A2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition plunder , rob , take by force
Pinyin qiǎng Jyutping coeng1 coeng2 On SHOU Kun TSUKU KOBAMU TODOKU Hangul : 1N Korean CHANG
Simplified U+62A2

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YU4

Unicode 12.1

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