Unicode 5.2
Character Definition press ; oppress ; crush ; pressure
Pinyin YA1 YA4 Jyutping aat3 ngaat3 On ATSU OU EN Kun OSAERU Hangul Korean AP Tang *qap qiɛp Viet áp
Simplified U+538B Variant U+5727
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 7231

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition headboard
Pinyin MA4 MA3
Traditional U+69AA
GB 2312-80 7231

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition headboard
Pinyin MA4 MA3 Jyutping maa5 maa6
Simplified U+6769
GB 12345-90 7231

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition life giving influences of nature ; spirit of harmony ; prosperity
Pinyin YUN1 Jyutping wan1 On UN Kun SAKAN Hangul Korean ON Tang qiuən
Simplified U+6C32
KS X 1002:1991 7231

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tile ; earthenware pottery ; girl
Pinyin WA3 WA4 Jyutping ngaa5 On GA Kun KAWARA GURAMU Hangul Korean WA Tang nguǎ Viet ngói
KS X 1001:1992 7231

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin REN2 Hangul Korean IN
GB 7589-87 7231

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CHEN2
GB 7590-87 7231

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition small Buddhist monastery
Pinyin AN1 AN3 Jyutping am1 On AN Kun IORI Hangul Korean AM Viet am
JIS X 0208-1990 7231

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ant ; leech
Pinyin MA3 MA4 MA1 Jyutping maa1 maa5 maa6 On BA ME Hangul Korean MA
Simplified U+8682
KPS 10721-2000 7231

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pacify ; appease ; calm , peaceful
Pinyin JING4 JING1 Jyutping zing6 On SEI JOU Kun YASUI YASUNJIRU YASU Hangul Korean CENG
Variant U+FA1C
PRC Telegraph Code 7231 Taiwan Telegraph 7231

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition whirlwind
JIS X 0212-1990 7231

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition love , be fond of , like
Pinyin AI4 Jyutping ngoi3 oi3
Traditional U+611B
Unicode Code Point 7231

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition press ; oppress ; crush ; pressure
Pinyin Jyutping aat3 ngaat3 On ATSU OU EN Kun OSAERU Hangul : 0E Korean AP Tang *qap qiɛp Viet áp
Simplified U+538B Variant U+5727
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 7231

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition headboard
Traditional U+69AA
GB 2312-80 7231

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition life giving influences of nature ; spirit of harmony ; prosperity
Pinyin yūn Jyutping wan1 On UN Kun SAKAN Hangul : 1N Korean ON Tang qiuən
Simplified U+6C32
KS X 1002:1991 7231

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition tile ; earthenware pottery ; girl
Pinyin Jyutping ngaa5 On GA Kun KAWARA GURAMU Hangul : 0E Korean WA Tang nguǎ Viet ngói
KS X 1001:1992 7231

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin rén Hangul : 1N Korean IN
GB 7589-87 7231

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition small Buddhist monastery
Pinyin ān Jyutping am1 On AN Kun IORI Hangul : 0N Korean AM Viet am
JIS X 0208-1990 7231

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ant ; leech
Pinyin Jyutping maa1 maa5 maa6 On BA ME Hangul : 1N Korean MA
Simplified U+8682
KPS 10721-2000 7231

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pacify ; appease ; calm , peaceful
Pinyin jìng Jyutping zing6 On SEI JOU Kun YASUI YASUNJIRU YASU Hangul : 0N Korean CENG
Variant U+FA1C
PRC Telegraph Code 7231 Taiwan Telegraph 7231

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition whirlwind
Pinyin biāo Jyutping biu1 On HYOU Kun TSUMUJIKAZE
Simplified U+2966A
JIS X 0212-1990 7231

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition love , be fond of , like
Pinyin ài Jyutping ngoi3 oi3
Traditional U+611B
Unicode Code Point 7231

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition headboard
Pinyin Jyutping maa5 maa6
Simplified U+6769
GB 12345-90 7231

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin chén
GB 7590-87 7231

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spur a horse on ; expel , drive away
Pinyin QU1 On KU Kun KAKERU KARU Hangul Korean KWU
Variant U+9A45

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition spur a horse on ; expel , drive away
Pinyin On KU Kun KAKERU KARU Hangul :1 Korean KWU
Variant U+9A45

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin TAO2 Jyutping tou4

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin FEI1 Hangul Korean PI

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin táo Jyutping tou4

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin fēi Hangul : 1N Korean PI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition camel
Pinyin TUO1 Jyutping tok3 On TAKU CHAKU RAKU WAKU Kun RABA Tang lɑk tɑk

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition camel
Pinyin zhé Jyutping tok3 On TAKU CHAKU RAKU WAKU Kun RABA Tang lɑk tɑk

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