JMdict 100319
Word 下足
Reading げそく
Translation eng footwear ( esp . outdoor shoes , as opposed to slippers , etc .) ; footgear Translation ger abgelegte Fußbekleidung

JMdict 100319
Word 下駄番
Reading げたばん
Translation eng toe guards on clogs ; footwear doorman

JMdict 100319
Word ; ; ;
Reading くつ
Translation eng shoes ; footwear Translation ger Schuh ; Schuhe ; Stiefel Translation fre chaussure Translation rus обувь

JMdict 100319
Word 足拵え ; 足ごしらえ
Reading あしごしらえ
Translation eng footwear Translation ger Fußbekleidung

JMdict 100319
Word 下足室
Reading げそくしつ
Translation eng footwear room

JMdict 200217
Word 下駄番
Reading げたばん
Translation eng toe guards on clogs ; footwear doorman

JMdict 200217
Word ; ; ;
Reading くつ
Translation dut schoen ; laars ; bottine ; {Belg .N. ; inform .} bot Translation hun lábbeli Translation slv obutev ; čevelj Translation spa zapatos ; calzado
Translation eng shoe ; shoes ; boots ; footwear ; footgear Translation ger Schuh ; Schuhe ; Schuhwerk ; Fußbekleidung ; Stiefel ; ( übertr .) Lager ; Sockel ; Auflager Translation fre chaussures ; bottes ; souliers Translation rus ( уст .) , ; обувь ; ботинки , полуботинки ; туфли

JMdict 200217
Word 足回り ; 足廻り
Reading あしまわり
Translation hun futómű
Translation eng suspension system ( of a vehicle ) ; undercarriage ; area around one's feet ; footwear Translation ger Beine ; Chassis ; Fahrgestell

JMdict 200217
Word 履物 ; 履き物
Reading はきもの
Translation dut schoeisel ; voetbekleding Translation hun lábbeli Translation spa calzado
Translation eng footwear ; footgear ; shoes Translation ger Fußbekleidung ; Schuhwerk ; Schuhe Translation fre chaussures ; socques Translation rus обувь

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 鞋履 Simplified 鞋履
Pinyin xie2 lu :3
English footwear

JMdict 200217
Word 下足室
Reading げそくしつ
Translation eng footwear room

JMdict 200217

JMdict 100319
Word 履物 ; 履き物
Reading はきもの
Translation eng footwear ; clogs Translation ger Fußbekleidung ; Schuhwerk ; Schuhe Translation fre chaussures ; socques

JMdict 200217
Word 下足
Reading げそく
Translation hun lábbeli
Translation eng footwear ( esp . outdoor shoes , as opposed to slippers , etc .) ; footgear Translation ger abgelegtes Schuhwerk ; abgelegte Fußbekleidung Translation rus снятая обувь ( при входе )

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition footwear , shoes ; walk on , tread
Pinyin LÜ3 Jyutping lei5 leoi5 On RI Kun HAKU KUTSU FUMU Hangul Korean LI Tang *lǐ
Variant U+F9DF

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition footwear , shoes ; walk on , tread
Hangul Korean I
Variant U+5C65 Variant U+5C65

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition footwear , shoes ; walk on , tread
Pinyin Jyutping lei5 leoi5 On RI Kun HAKU KUTSU FUMU Hangul : 0E :0 Korean LI Tang *lǐ
Variant U+F9DF

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition footwear , shoes ; walk on , tread
Hangul :0 Korean I
Variant U+5C65 Variant U+5C65

JMdict 100319

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