Unicode 5.2
Character Definition oppose , offend ; invade ; dried
Pinyin GAN1 GAN4 HAN2 Jyutping gon1 On KAN Kun HOSU HIRU OKASU Hangul Korean KAN Tang *gɑn gɑn Viet can
Traditional U+4E7E U+5E79 Variant U+4E7E
Cangjie Input Code MJ

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition oppose , offend ; invade ; dried
Pinyin gàn Jyutping gon1 On KAN Kun HOSU HIRU OKASU Hangul : 0E Korean KAN Tang *gɑn gɑn Viet can
Traditional U+4E7E U+5E79 ; U+4E7E U+5E79 Variant U+4E7E
Cangjie Input Code MJ

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional M巾 Simplified M巾
Pinyin M jin1
English ( coll .) menstrual pad

JMnedict 100319
Reading ミャグマル Romaji Mjagmar

JMnedict 200217
Reading ミャグマル Romaji Mjagmar

JMdict 200217
Word 脾臓
Reading ひぞう
Translation dut milt {anat .} ; miltklier Translation hun lép Translation swe mjälte ; mjältsjuka ; spleen
Translation eng spleen Translation ger Milz ; Lien ; Splen Translation rus ( анат .) селезёнка

JMdict 200217
Word 脾臟
Reading ひぞう
Translation hun lép Translation swe mjälte ; mjältsjuka ; spleen
Translation eng spleen

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin diān On TEN Kun TSUKA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a tray ; a plate ; a dish , large bowl
Jyutping gon1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a tray ; a plate ; a dish , large bowl
Pinyin gān Jyutping gon1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) to observe ; to examine ; to look deeply into
Pinyin NIAN3 SHEN3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as ) to observe ; to examine ; to look deeply into
Pinyin niǎn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to burn ; to heat , to burn over a wider and wider area ; to glow ; to shine , light ; brightness
Pinyin CHAN2 Jyutping cam4

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YIN2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to burn ; to heat , to burn over a wider and wider area ; to glow ; to shine , light ; brightness
Pinyin chán Jyutping cam4

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin yín

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin GAN1 HAN4 Jyutping gon1 hon6

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YIN2

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin gān Jyutping gon1 hon6

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin yín

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin JIAN1

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin jiān

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition publication , periodical ; publish
Pinyin KAN1 Jyutping hon1 hon2 On KAN Kun KEZURU KIZAMU Hangul Korean KAN Viet san
Variant U+520B

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition publication , periodical ; publish
Pinyin kān Jyutping hon1 hon2 On KAN Kun KEZURU KIZAMU Hangul : 0E Korean KAN Viet san
Variant U+520B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition large face , flat face ; stupid
Pinyin HAN1 AN4 Jyutping hon1 On KAN GAN GATSU GACHI Kun OOKII
Simplified U+9878

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition large face , flat face ; stupid
Pinyin hān Jyutping hon1 On KAN GAN GATSU GACHI Kun OOKII
Simplified U+9878

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition large face , flat face ; stupid
Pinyin HAN1 Jyutping hon1
Traditional U+9807

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition large face , flat face ; stupid
Pinyin hān Jyutping hon1
Traditional U+9807

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surname ; place name
Pinyin XING2
Variant U+90A2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition surname ; place name
Pinyin xíng
Variant U+90A2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition jar with a small mouth , an earthen jar , a jar for the ashes of the dead
Pinyin PENG4 Jyutping bang1 pang4 pung3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition jar with a small mouth , an earthen jar , a jar for the ashes of the dead
Pinyin pèng Jyutping bang1 pang4 pung3

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢏗

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢏗
Pinyin Jyutping ai6 ngai6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition an ancient place in the state of Wu
Pinyin HAN2 Jyutping hon4 On KAN GAN Korean HAN Tang ghiong

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition an ancient place in the state of Wu
Pinyin hán Jyutping hon4 On KAN GAN Hangul :N Korean HAN Tang ghiong

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the magpie , jackdaw ; jay and similar birds
Pinyin HAN4 Jyutping gon1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the magpie , jackdaw ; jay and similar birds
Pinyin hàn Jyutping gon1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to dare , venture ; bold , brave
Pinyin GAN3 Jyutping gam2 On KAN Kun AETE Hangul Korean KAM Tang *gɑ̌m Viet cám

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to dare , venture ; bold , brave
Pinyin gǎn Jyutping gam2 On KAN Kun AETE Hangul : 0E Korean KAM Tang *gɑ̌m Viet cám

JMnedict 100319
Reading ミェルビ Romaji Mjolby

JMnedict 200217
Reading ミェルビ Romaji Mjolby

JMdict 200217
Word うどんこ病 ; ウドンコ病 ; 饂飩粉病
Reading うどんこびょう ; ウドンコびょう
Translation dut meeldauw {plantk .} ; witziekte Translation swe mjöldagg
Translation eng powdery mildew Translation ger Mehltau ; Brand

JMdict 200217
Word 麦角
Reading ばっかく
Translation swe mjöldryga
Translation eng ergot Translation ger Mutterkorn ; Mutterkornpilz ; Secale cornutum Translation rus ( фарм .) спорынья

JMdict 200217
Reading ミルク
Translation dut melk ; koemelk {i .h.b.} ; flens {Barg .} ; condensmelk ; gecondenseerde melk {afkorting van kondensu miruku コンデンスミルク} Translation hun tej Translation slv mleko Translation spa leche ( eng : milk ) Translation swe mjölk ; mjölka
Translation eng milk Translation ger Kuhmilch ; Milch ; Kondensmilch Translation fre lait Translation rus (( англ .) milk ) молоко

JMdict 200217
Word 乳脂肪
Reading にゅうしぼう
Translation hun tejszín Translation swe mjölkfett ; smörfett
Translation eng butterfat Translation ger Milchfett ; Butterfett

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