JMdict 100319
Reading スクーター
Translation eng scooter Translation ger Motorroller

JMdict 100319
Word 原付き
Reading げんつき
Translation eng scooter ; low power "motorized" bicycle ( motorised ) ; moped Translation ger Fahrrad mit Hilfsmotor ; Mofa ; ( unter 50qcm )

JMdict 100319
Reading メットイン
Source Language eng ( hel ) met in Translation eng scooter with a compartment under the seat to hold a helmet
Crossref メット

CEDict 100318
Traditional 助動車 Simplified 助动车
Pinyin zhu4 dong4 che1
English scooter ( gas powered )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 機車 Simplified 机车
Pinyin ji1 che1
English locomotive ; train engine car ; scooter ( Taiwan )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 踏板車 Simplified 踏板车
Pinyin ta4 ban3 che1
English scooter

JMdict 200217
Reading スクーター
Translation dut scooter ; {veroud . ; inform . ; scherts .} reesplee Translation hun robogó ; roller Translation spa scooter ( eng :) Translation swe sparkcykel
Translation eng scooter Translation ger Motorroller ; Roller ; Tretroller Translation rus (( англ .) scooter ) ; 1) мотороллер ; 2) самокат ( детский ) ; 3) ( спорт .) скутер

JMdict 200217
Word 原付 ; 原付き
Reading げんつき
Translation dut gemotoriseerd ; met motoraandrijving Translation hun robogó
Translation eng motorized two-wheeled vehicle ( with a displacement of less than 50cc ) ; scooter ; moped Translation ger Fahrrad mit Hilfsmotor ; Mofa ( unter 50 cm³ )
Crossref 原動機付自転車

JMdict 200217
Word 単車
Reading たんしゃ
Translation dut motor ; motorfiets ; scooter Translation hun motorkerékpár Translation spa motocicleta ; moto
Translation eng motorcycle Translation ger motorisiertes Zweirrad ; Motorrad ; Moped ; Mofa ; Motorroller

JMdict 200217
Reading メットイン ; メット・イン
Source Language eng ( hel ) met in Translation eng scooter with a compartment under the seat to hold a helmet
Crossref メット

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 塑膠車 Simplified 塑胶车
Pinyin su4 jiao1 che1
English scooter ( Tw )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 機車 Simplified 机车
Pinyin ji1 che1
English locomotive ; train engine car ; scooter ( Tw ) ; ( slang ) ( Tw ) hard to get along with ; a pain in the ass ; damn! ; crap!

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 踏板摩托車 Simplified 踏板摩托车
Pinyin ta4 ban3 mo2 tuo1 che1
English scooter

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 踏板車 Simplified 踏板车
Pinyin ta4 ban3 che1
English scooter

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 速克達 Simplified 速克达
Pinyin su4 ke4 da2
English scooter ( loanword )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 速可達 Simplified 速可达
Pinyin su4 ke3 da2
English scooter ( loanword )

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