JMdict 100319
Reading オートバイ
Source Language eng auto-bike Translation eng motorcycle Translation ger Motorrad ; ( ausgenommen Motorroller ; <Herk .: von japan . -engl . "autobicycle"> ) Translation fre moto Translation rus мотоци́кл ( en-trans : auto-bike )

JMdict 100319
Reading サイドカー
Translation eng sidecar Translation ger Beiwagen ; Motorrad mit Beiwagen ; Sidecar ; ( Cocktail ) ; .

JMdict 100319
Reading バイク
Translation eng bike ; motorcycle Translation ger Motorrad ; Moped Translation fre moto

JMdict 100319
Reading マシン ; マシーン
Translation eng machine Translation ger Maschine ; Rennmaschine ; Motorrad ; Rennauto

JMdict 100319
Reading モーターサイクル
Translation eng motorcycle Translation ger Motorrad Translation rus мотоцикл

JMdict 100319
Reading モーターバイク
Translation eng motorbike Translation ger Motorrad

JMdict 100319
Word 単車
Reading たんしゃ
Translation eng motorcycle Translation ger motorisiertes Zweirrad ; Motorrad ; Moped ; Mofa ; Motorroller

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 摩托車 Simplified 摩托车
Pinyin mo2 tuo1 che1
Deutsch Motorrad (u.E.) (S, Tech )

JMdict 200217
Reading オートバイ
Translation dut motorfiets ; motor ; motorrijwiel Translation hun motorkerékpár Translation slv motorno kolo ; motorno vozilo Translation spa motocicleta ( wasei : auto-bike ) ; moto
Source Language eng auto-bike Translation eng motorcycle Translation ger Motorrad ( ausgenommen Motorroller ) Translation fre moto Translation rus (( амер .) autobike ) мотоцикл

JMdict 200217
Reading サイドカー
Translation dut zijspan ; zijspanwagen ; sidecar ; klomp {scherts .} Translation hun oldalkocsi ; oldalkocsis motorkerékpár Translation spa sidecar ( eng :)
Translation eng sidecar Translation ger Beiwagen ; Motorrad mit Beiwagen ; Sidecar ( ein Cocktail ) Translation rus коляска {мотоцикла} ; мотоцикл с коляской

JMdict 200217
Reading バイク
Translation dut motorfiets ; motor ; motorrijwiel {form .} ; bromfiets ; brommer Translation hun bicaj ; bringa ; motorkerékpár Translation slv motorno kolo Translation spa moto ( eng : bike ) ; motocicleta
Translation eng motorcycle ; motorbike Translation ger Motorrad ; Moped ; Fahrrad Translation fre moto Translation rus (( англ .) bike ) мотороллер

JMdict 200217
Reading モーターサイクル
Translation hun motorkerékpár Translation spa motocicleta ( eng : motorcycle ) ; moto
Translation eng motorcycle Translation ger Motorrad Translation rus (( англ .) motor-cycle ) мотоцикл

JMdict 200217
Reading モーターバイク
Translation dut bromfiets ; brommer ; lichte motorfiets Translation hun motorkerékpár Translation spa ciclomotor , bicicleta con motor
Translation eng motorbike Translation ger Motorrad Translation rus (( амер .) motorbike ) велосипед с мотором , мопед

JMdict 200217
Word 単車
Reading たんしゃ
Translation dut motor ; motorfiets ; scooter Translation hun motorkerékpár Translation spa motocicleta ; moto
Translation eng motorcycle Translation ger motorisiertes Zweirrad ; Motorrad ; Moped ; Mofa ; Motorroller

JMdict 200217
Word 七半
Reading ななはん ; ナナハン
Translation eng 750cc motorcycle Translation ger 750er ; Motorrad mit einem Hubraum von 750 cm³

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Reading マシン ; マシーン
Translation dut machine ; motorfiets ; motor ; auto ; wagen Translation hun gép Translation spa máquina ( eng : machine ) Translation swe maskin
Translation eng machine Translation ger Maschine ; Rennmaschine ; Motorrad ; Rennauto ; Léonide Massine ( russ . Tänzer und Choreograph ; 1896-1979 )
Crossref 機械・1

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 摩托車 Simplified 摩托车
Pinyin mo2 tuo1 che1
Deutsch Motorrad (S, Tech )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 摩托服 Simplified 摩托服
Pinyin mo2 tuo1 fu2
Deutsch Motorradbekleidung (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 摩托服 Simplified 摩托服
Pinyin mo2 tuo1 fu2
Deutsch Motorradbekleidung (S)

JMdict 200217
Reading ゴーグル
Translation dut beschermende bril ; motorbril {i .h.b.} ; schutbril ; stofbril ; duikbril ; vliegbril Translation hun búvárszemüveg ; motoros szemüveg ; védőszemüveg Translation swe bilglasögon
Translation eng goggles Translation ger Brille ; Schutzbrille ; Taucherbrille ; Schwimmbrille ; Skibrille ; Motorradbrille

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 摩托車手 Simplified 摩托车手
Pinyin mo2 tuo1 che1 shou3
Deutsch Motorradfahrer (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 騎摩托車的人 Simplified 骑摩托车的人
Pinyin qi2 mo2 tuo1 che1 de5 ren2
Deutsch Motorradfahrer (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 騎摩托車的人 Simplified 骑摩托车的人
Pinyin qi2 mo2 tuo1 che1 de5 ren2
Deutsch Motorradfahrer (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 摩托車手 Simplified 摩托车手
Pinyin mo2 tuo1 che1 shou3
Deutsch Motorradfahrer (S)

JMdict 100319
Word 白バイ
Reading しろバイ
Translation eng motorcycle police Translation ger Polizeimotorrad ; Motorradpolizist ; "Weiße Maus" Translation fre moto de la police

JMdict 200217
Word 白バイ
Reading しろバイ
Translation dut motorpolitie ; gemotoriseerde politie ; motoragent ; {Belg .N. ; spreekt .} zwaantje Translation slv policijski motor ; policija na motorjih Translation spa policía motorizada
Translation eng motorcycle police ; white-colored police motorcycle Translation ger Polizeimotorrad ; Motorradpolizist ; Weiße Maus Translation fre moto de la police

JMdict 100319
Reading オートレース
Translation eng autoracing Translation ger Motorradrennen ; Autorennen

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 摩托車賽 Simplified 摩托车赛
Pinyin mo2 tuo1 che1 sai4
Deutsch Motorradrennen (u.E.) (S, Sport )

JMdict 200217
Reading オートレース
Translation dut motorrace ; motorwedstrijd ; motorrennen
Translation eng autoracing Translation ger Motorradrennen ; Autorennen Translation rus (( англ .) auto race ) автогонки

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 摩托車賽 Simplified 摩托车赛
Pinyin mo2 tuo1 che1 sai4
Deutsch Motorradrennen (S, Sport )

JMdict 100319

JMdict 200217
Word 暴走族
Reading ぼうそうぞく
Translation dut motorfreak ; bromnozem ; brozem {scherts .} ; ± hell's angel ; motorbende {verzameln .} ; ± nozemdom
Translation eng young motorcycle-riding delinquents ; bōsōzoku Translation ger Motorradrowdy ; Rocker
Crossref 珍走団

JMdict 200217
Word 珍走団
Reading ちんそうだん
Translation eng biker gang ; group of hot-rodders Translation ger Motorradrowdy ; Rocker ; Raser
Crossref 暴走族

HanDeDict 100318

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