Unicode 5.2
Character Definition used in onomatopoetic expressions
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik6 On REKI RYAKU Korean LYEK Viet rích
Simplified U+5456
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 3932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition jade , precious stone , gem
Pinyin YU4 Jyutping juk6 On GYOKU GOKU Kun TAMA Hangul Korean OK Tang *ngiok Viet ngọc
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 3932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition madder , rubia cordifolia ; reeds
Pinyin QIAN4 QIAN1 XI1 Jyutping sai1 sin3 sin6 On SEN Kun AKANE Hangul Korean CHEN
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 3932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition virtuous , worthy , good ; able
Pinyin XIAN2 Jyutping jin4 On KEN Kun KASHIKOI MASARU Hangul Korean HYEN Tang *hen Viet hiền
Simplified U+8D24
Hong Kong proper shape 3932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition plunder , rob , take by force
Pinyin QIANG3 QIANG1 CHENG1 Jyutping coeng2
Traditional U+6436
GB 2312-80 3932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition plunder , rob , take by force
Pinyin QIANG3 QIANG1 CHENG1 Jyutping coeng1 coeng2 On SHOU Kun TSUKU KOBAMU TODOKU Hangul Korean CHANG
Simplified U+62A2
GB 12345-90 3932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gavel
Pinyin YU3 Jyutping jyu5 On GYO GO Kun SASHITOMERU Hangul Korean E
GB 7589-87 3932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition burst forth ; rise ; vigorous
Pinyin BO2 Jyutping but6 On HOTSU BOCHI BOTSU Kun OKORU Hangul Korean PAL Viet bọt
JIS X 0212-1990 3932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition life , living , lifetime ; birth
Pinyin SHENG1 Jyutping saang1 sang1 On SEI SHOU Kun HAERU OU UMARERU Hangul Korean SAYNG Tang *shræng Viet sinh
PRC Telegraph Code 3932 Taiwan Telegraph 3932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition agriculture , farming ; farmer
Pinyin NONG2 Jyutping nung4 On NOU DOU Kun KUSAGIRU TAGAYASU Hangul Korean NONG Tang nong Viet nông
Simplified U+519C
JIS X 0208-1990 3932

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠮵
KPS 10721-2000 3932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to think ; to contemplate ; to consider , to pant because of fear
Pinyin QIE4 QU4 Jyutping hap6 hip3
Unicode Code Point 3932

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qian4 ; xi1 Reading On セン Reading Kun あかね Reading Korean cheon Reading Korean
Meaning madder ; red dye ; Turkey red Meaning es tinte rojo ; rojo brillante
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 3932

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin mou2 Reading On ボウ ; ム Reading Kun ひとみ Reading Korean mo Reading Korean
Meaning pupil of the eye Meaning es pupila ; ojo
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 3932

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition used in onomatopoetic expressions
Pinyin Jyutping lik6 On REKI RYAKU Korean LYEK Viet rích
Simplified U+5456
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 3932

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition jade , precious stone , gem
Pinyin Jyutping juk6 On GYOKU GOKU Kun TAMA Hangul : 0E Korean OK Tang *ngiok Viet ngọc
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 3932

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition madder , rubia cordifolia ; reeds
Pinyin qiàn Jyutping sai1 sin3 sin6 On SEN Kun AKANE Hangul : 1N Korean CHEN
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 3932

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition plunder , rob , take by force
Pinyin qiǎng Jyutping coeng2
Traditional U+6436
GB 2312-80 3932

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition plunder , rob , take by force
Pinyin qiǎng Jyutping coeng1 coeng2 On SHOU Kun TSUKU KOBAMU TODOKU Hangul : 1N Korean CHANG
Simplified U+62A2
GB 12345-90 3932

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition gavel
Pinyin Jyutping jyu5 On GYO GO Kun SASHITOMERU Hangul : 1N Korean E
GB 7589-87 3932

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition life , living , lifetime ; birth
Pinyin shēng Jyutping saang1 sang1 On SEI SHOU Kun HAERU OU UMARERU Hangul : 0E Korean SAYNG Tang *shræng Viet sinh
PRC Telegraph Code 3932 Taiwan Telegraph 3932

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition agriculture , farming ; farmer
Pinyin nóng Jyutping nung4 On NOU DOU Kun KUSAGIRU TAGAYASU Hangul : 0E Korean NONG Tang nong Viet nông
Simplified U+519C
JIS X 0208-1990 3932

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠮵
Pinyin màng
KPS 10721-2000 3932

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to think ; to contemplate ; to consider , to pant because of fear
Pinyin qiè Jyutping hap6 hip3
Unicode Code Point 3932

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin qian1 Reading On セン Reading Kun うつ .る ; うつ .す ; みやこがえ Reading Korean cheon Reading Korean
Meaning transition ; move ; change Meaning fr transition ; changement ; déménagement ; dégrader ( armée , profession ) Meaning es traslado ; transferencia Meaning pt transição ; mover ; mudança
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkd 3932

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin mou2 Reading On ボウ ; ム Reading Kun ひとみ Reading Korean mo Reading Korean
Meaning pupil of the eye Meaning es pupila ; ojo
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 3932

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin qian4 ; xi1 Reading On セン Reading Kun あかね Reading Korean cheon Reading Korean
Meaning madder ; red dye ; Turkey red Meaning es tinte rojo ; rojo brillante
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 3932

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition virtuous , worthy , good ; able
Pinyin xián Jyutping jin4 On KEN Kun KASHIKOI MASARU Hangul : 0E Korean HYEN Tang *hen Viet hiền
Simplified U+8D24
Hong Kong proper shape 3932

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition burst forth ; rise ; vigorous
Pinyin Jyutping but6 On HOTSU BOCHI BOTSU Kun OKORU Hangul : 1N Korean PAL Viet bọt
JIS X 0212-1990 3932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition summon ; propagate , transmit
Variant U+50B3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition summon ; propagate , transmit
Variant U+50B3

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin JU4

Unicode 12.1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition postal , mail ; post office
Pinyin YOU2 Jyutping jau4
Traditional U+90F5

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition postal , mail ; post office
Pinyin yóu Jyutping jau4
Traditional U+90F5

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