JMdict 100319
Word 口前
Reading くちまえ
Translation eng way of speaking ; profession Translation ger Sprechweise

JMdict 100319
Word 信仰告白
Reading しんこうこくはく
Translation eng profession of faith Translation ger Glaubensbekenntnis

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word その道
Reading そのみち
Translation eng line ( of business ) ; profession ; trade Translation ger Gebiet ; Gewerbe ; Kunst ; ( übertr .) ; etwas , das mit Liebe zu tun hat ; etw . Leidenschaftliches

JMdict 100319
Reading プロフェッション
Translation eng profession

CEDict 100318
Traditional 業務 Simplified 业务
Pinyin ye4 wu4
English business ; profession

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hang2
English a row ; series ; age order ( of brothers ) ; profession ; professional ; relating to company

CEDict 100318
Traditional 行當 Simplified 行当
Pinyin hang2 dang5
English profession ; role ( acting )

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 口前
Reading くちまえ
Translation hun élethivatás ; szerzetesi fogadalom
Translation eng way of speaking ; profession Translation ger Sprechweise Translation rus ( разг .) манера говорить

JMdict 200217
Word 産業
Reading さんぎょう
Translation dut nijverheid ; bedrijf ; industrie Translation hun iparág ; szorgalom Translation spa industria Translation swe industri
Translation eng industry ; livelihood ; occupation Translation ger industriell ; wirtschaftlich ; Industrie ; Gewerbe Translation fre industrie ; gagne-pain ; moyen d'existence ; occupation ; profession Translation rus промышленность , индустрия ; производство

JMdict 200217
Word 仕事
Reading しごと
Translation dut werk ; arbeid ; karwei ; klus ; taak ; affaire ; zaak ; opgave ; bezigheid ; werkzaamheid ; werk ; baan ; job ; beroep ; betrekking ; emplooi ; {nat . ; techn .} arbeid Translation hun dolog ; elfoglaltság ; munka ; tevékenység ; foglalkozás Translation slv delo ; delo ; posel Translation spa trabajo ; empleo ; ocupación Translation swe arbete ; jobb
Translation eng work ; job ; business ; occupation ; employment ; vocation ; task ; work Translation ger arbeiten ; Arbeit ; Beruf ; Beschäftigung ; Geschäft ; Arbeit ( Produkt aus Kraft mal Weg ; Zeichen : W) ; Näharbeit ; Handlung ; Tat ; Untat ( shi ist Renyō・kei von suru ; ist Ateji ) Translation fre travail ; emploi ; affaires ; occupation ; profession ; tâche ; travail Translation rus работать ; работа ; занятие , дело ; работать {~する}

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin gong1
English work ; worker ; skill ; profession ; trade ; craft ; labor

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hang2
English row ; line ; commercial firm ; line of business ; profession ; to rank ( first , second etc ) among one's siblings ( by age ) ; ( in data tables ) row ; ( Tw ) column

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 行當 Simplified 行当
Pinyin hang2 dang5
English profession ; role ( acting )

JMdict 200217
Word 信仰告白
Reading しんこうこくはく
Translation dut geloofsbelijdenis {rel .} ; belijdenis ; confessie Translation hun hitvallás
Translation eng profession of faith Translation ger Glaubensbekenntnis ( insbes . im protestantischen Glauben )

JMdict 200217
Word 稼業
Reading かぎょう
Translation dut beroep ; werk ; vak ; beroepsbezigheid ; baan ; job ; stiel ; metier Translation hun foglalkozás ; forgalom ; ipar ; kereskedelem ; mesterség ; szakma ; betöltés
Translation eng trade ; business ; occupation ; profession ; job Translation ger Beruf ; Gewerbe ; Geschäft ; Erwerbstätigkeit Translation fre commerce ; négoce ; occupation ; travail

CEDict 100318
Traditional 自由職業 Simplified 自由职业
Pinyin zi4 you2 zhi2 ye4
English self-employed ; profession

CEDict 100318
Traditional 職業 Simplified 职业
Pinyin zhi2 ye4
English occupation ; profession ; vocation ; professional

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin gong1
English work ; worker ; skill ; profession ; trade ; craft ; labor

JMdict 100319
Word 職業
Reading しょくぎょう
Translation eng occupation ; business Translation ger Beruf ; Gewerbe ; Profession ; Stelle ; Arbeit Translation fre profession Translation rus заня́тие ; профе́ссия

JMdict 100319
Word 公言
Reading こうげん
Translation eng declaration ; profession Translation ger öffentliche Erklärung Translation fre déclaration publique

JMdict 200217
Reading プロフェッション
Translation spa profesión
Translation eng profession

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 自由職業 Simplified 自由职业
Pinyin zi4 you2 zhi2 ye4
English self-employed ; profession

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 職業 Simplified 职业
Pinyin zhi2 ye4
English occupation ; profession ; vocation ; professional

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition profession , business ; GB radical 111
Pinyin YE4 Jyutping jip6
Traditional U+696D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition profession , business , trade
Pinyin YE4 Jyutping jip6 On GYOU GOU Kun WAZA SUDENI Hangul Korean EP Tang *ngiæp Viet nghiệp
Simplified U+4E1A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition profession , business ; GB radical 111
Pinyin Jyutping jip6
Traditional U+696D

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition profession , business , trade
Pinyin Jyutping jip6 On GYOU GOU Kun WAZA SUDENI Hangul : 0E Korean EP Tang *ngiæp Viet nghiệp
Simplified U+4E1A

JMdict 100319
Reading プロ
Translation eng professional Translation ger Profi ; Professionell ; Produktion ; Herstellung ; Studio ; Produzent ; Produktionsfirma ; Propaganda ; Programm ; Proletarier ; Prozent . ; ( Abk .) Translation fre professionnel

Reading プロフェッショナル
Translation eng professional Translation ger Profi ; Professioneller

JMdict 100319
Reading プロレス
Translation eng professional wrestling Translation ger {Sport} Profi-Catchen ; Profi-Ringen
Crossref プロレスリング

JMdict 100319
Reading プロレスリング
Translation eng professional wrestling

JMdict 100319
Word 殺し屋
Reading ころしや
Translation eng professional killer ; hit man Translation ger Auftragskiller ; Killer ; gedungener Mörder

JMdict 100319
Word 職務
Reading しょくむ
Translation eng professional duties Translation ger Beruf ; Arbeit ; Dienst ; Dienstpflicht Translation fre charge ; devoir ; fonction ; service

JMdict 100319
Word 専門的
Reading せんもんてき
Translation eng technical (e.g. discussion ) ; exclusive ; professional Translation ger fachlich ; fachgemäß

JMdict 100319

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