Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as U+5EBE ) a stack of grain , a measure of 16 dou
Pinyin YU3 Jyutping zyu5
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 7610

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition granary ; storehouse
Pinyin YU3 Jyutping jyu5 On YU Kun KURA Hangul Korean YU Tang
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 7610

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a stack of grain ; a measure of 16 dou3
Pinyin YU3 Jyutping jyu5
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 7610

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition team of four horses ; horses
Pinyin SI4 Jyutping si3
Traditional U+99DF
Four-Corner Code 7610

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surname
Pinyin JIAN1 Jyutping zin1 On SEN SAN Kun TAKE Hangul Korean CEN
KS X 1002:1991 7610

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition purse
Pinyin PAN2 Jyutping pun4
GB 7589-87 7610

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition allow , permit , yield , concede
Pinyin RANG4 Jyutping joeng6 On JOU Kun YUZURU Hangul Korean YANG Tang *njiɑ̀ng Viet nhường
Simplified U+8BA9
JIS X 0208-1990 7610

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the sound of the wind ; bleak ; melancholy
Pinyin SA4 LI4 Jyutping saap3 On SATSU SOU Kun HISHIGU HAYATE MIDARERU Hangul Korean SAP Tang *sop Viet táp
Simplified U+98D2
GB 12345-90 7610

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the sound of the wind ; bleak ; melancholy
Pinyin SA4 Jyutping saap3
Traditional U+98AF
GB 2312-80 7610

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition drought demon
Pinyin BA2 Jyutping baat6 On BATSU HATSU Kun HIDERI Hangul Korean PAL
PRC Telegraph Code 7610 Taiwan Telegraph 7610

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition emu
Simplified U+9E4B
JIS X 0212-1990 7610

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition footwear , shoes ; walk on , tread
Hangul Korean I
Variant U+5C65 Variant U+5C65
KS X 1001:1992 7610

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to die in prison from cold and hunger ; to treat with cruelty
Pinyin YU3 Jyutping jyu5 Hangul Korean YU
Unicode Code Point 7610

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 七千六百十 Simplified 七千六百十
Pinyin qi1 qian1 liu4 bai3 shi2
Deutsch 7610 ( siebentausendsechshundertzehn ) (u.E.)

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as ) a stack of grain , a measure of 16 dǒu
Pinyin Jyutping zyu5
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 7610

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition granary ; storehouse
Pinyin Jyutping jyu5 On YU Kun KURA Hangul : 0N Korean YU Tang
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 7610

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a stack of grain ; a measure of 16 dou3
Pinyin Jyutping jyu5
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 7610

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition team of four horses ; horses
Pinyin Jyutping si3
Traditional U+99DF
Four-Corner Code 7610

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition surname
Pinyin jiǎn Jyutping zin1 On SEN SAN Kun TAKE Hangul : 1N Korean CEN
Simplified U+7BEF
KS X 1002:1991 7610

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition purse
Pinyin pán Jyutping pun4
GB 7589-87 7610

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition allow , permit , yield , concede
Pinyin ràng Jyutping joeng6 On JOU Kun YUZURU Hangul : 0E Korean YANG Tang *njiɑ̀ng Viet nhường
Simplified U+8BA9
JIS X 0208-1990 7610

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the sound of the wind ; bleak ; melancholy
Pinyin Jyutping saap3 On SATSU SOU Kun HISHIGU HAYATE MIDARERU Hangul : 0N Korean SAP Tang *sop Viet táp
Simplified U+98D2
GB 12345-90 7610

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the sound of the wind ; bleak ; melancholy
Pinyin Jyutping saap3
Traditional U+98AF
GB 2312-80 7610

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition drought demon
Pinyin Jyutping baat6 On BATSU HATSU Kun HIDERI Hangul : 0N Korean PAL
PRC Telegraph Code 7610 Taiwan Telegraph 7610

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition emu
Pinyin miáo Jyutping miu4 On BYOU MYOU
Simplified U+9E4B
JIS X 0212-1990 7610

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition footwear , shoes ; walk on , tread
Hangul :0 Korean I
Variant U+5C65 Variant U+5C65
KS X 1001:1992 7610

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to die in prison from cold and hunger ; to treat with cruelty
Pinyin Jyutping jyu5 Hangul : 1N Korean YU
Unicode Code Point 7610

HanDeDict 200217

Records 1 - 28 of 28 retrieved in 515 ms