Unicode 12.1
Character Definition step on , tread on ; search for
Pinyin cǎi Jyutping coi2 On SAI Kun OU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition collect , gather ; pick , pluck
Pinyin cǎi Jyutping coi2 coi3 On SAI Kun TORU Hangul : 0N Korean CHAY Tang *tsə̌i
Traditional U+57F0 U+63A1 ; U+57F0 U+63A1 Variant U+91C6

Unicode 12.1
Character 𣶶
Jyutping coi2

Unicode 12.1
Character 𤊕
Jyutping coi2

Unicode 12.1
Character 𦹮
Jyutping coi2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( simplified form ) to eat ; to bite ; to gnaw , a dialect , usually used at the end of a sentence
Pinyin SAI3 Jyutping coi3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition eat , to bite , to gnaw , (a dialect ) usually at the end of a sentence ; tone ( of one's speech )
Pinyin CAN3 SAI3 Jyutping coi3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a coiffure with a topknot , a turban ; a kerchief
Pinyin CAI4 Jyutping coi3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fief
Pinyin CAI4 Jyutping coi3 On SAI Kun TSUKA Hangul Korean CHAY
Simplified U+91C7

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition stop up , block , seal , cork ; pass , frontier ; fortress
Pinyin SAI1 SE4 SAI4 Jyutping coi3 sak1 On SOKU SAI Kun FUSAGU MICHIRU TORIDE Hangul Korean SAY SAYK Tang *sək *sə̀i Viet tắc
Variant U+F96C

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CAI4 Jyutping coi3 zoi3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition vegetables ; dish , order ; food
Pinyin CAI4 Jyutping coi3 On SAI Kun NA Hangul Korean CHAY Tang tsèi

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surname ; species of tortoise
Pinyin CAI4 SA4 CA1 Jyutping coi3 On SAI SATSU Kun AKUTA OTOROERU HERASU Hangul Korean CHAY SAL Tang *tsɑ̀i

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition compete , contend ; contest , race
Pinyin SAI4 Jyutping coi3 On SAI Kun MUKUIMATSURU Hangul Korean SAY
Simplified U+8D5B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition compete , contend ; contest , race
Pinyin SAI4 Jyutping coi3
Traditional U+8CFD

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( simplified form ) to eat ; to bite ; to gnaw , a dialect , usually used at the end of a sentence
Pinyin sǎi Jyutping coi3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition eat , to bite , to gnaw , (a dialect ) usually at the end of a sentence ; tone ( of one's speech )
Pinyin sǎi Jyutping coi3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a coiffure with a topknot , a turban ; a kerchief
Pinyin cài Jyutping coi3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fief
Pinyin cài Jyutping coi3 On SAI Kun TSUKA Hangul : 0N Korean CHAY
Simplified U+91C7

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition stop up , block , seal , cork ; pass , frontier ; fortress
Pinyin sāi Jyutping coi3 sak1 On SOKU SAI Kun FUSAGU MICHIRU TORIDE Hangul : 0E : 0N Korean SAY SAYK Tang *sək *sə̀i Viet tắc
Variant U+F96C

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin cài Jyutping coi3 zoi3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition vegetables ; dish , order ; food
Pinyin cài Jyutping coi3 On SAI Kun NA Hangul : 0E Korean CHAY Tang tsèi

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition surname ; species of tortoise
Pinyin cài Jyutping coi3 On SAI SATSU Kun AKUTA OTOROERU HERASU Hangul : 0N Korean CHAY SAL Tang *tsɑ̀i

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition compete , contend ; contest , race
Pinyin sài Jyutping coi3 On SAI Kun MUKUIMATSURU Hangul : 0N Korean SAY
Simplified U+8D5B

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition compete , contend ; contest , race
Pinyin sài Jyutping coi3
Traditional U+8CFD

Unicode 12.1
Character 𡤐
Jyutping coi3

Unicode 12.1
Character 𡧳
Jyutping coi3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition (a variant of ) wealth ; property ; valuables , bribes
Pinyin CAI2 Jyutping coi4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition talent , ability ; just , only
Pinyin CAI2 Jyutping coi4 On SAI ZAI Kun WAZUKANI ZAE Hangul Korean CAY Tang *dzhəi Viet tài

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition material , stuff ; timber ; talent
Pinyin CAI2 Jyutping coi4 On ZAI Kun MARUTA Hangul Korean CAY Tang *dzhəi

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition talent , ability ; just , only
Pinyin CAI2 Jyutping coi4 On SAN SAI Kun WAZUKA Hangul Korean CAY Tang *dzhəi

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cut out ; decrease
Pinyin CAI2 Jyutping coi4 On SAI Kun TATSU SABAKU Hangul Korean CAY Tang *dzhəi Viet trài

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wealth , valuables , riches
Pinyin CAI2 Jyutping coi4 On ZAI SAI Kun TAKARA WAZUKA Hangul Korean CAY Tang dzhəi Viet tài
Simplified U+8D22

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wealth , valuables , riches
Pinyin CAI2 Jyutping coi4
Traditional U+8CA1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition (a variant of ) wealth ; property ; valuables , bribes
Pinyin cái Jyutping coi4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition talent , ability ; just , only
Pinyin cái Jyutping coi4 On SAI ZAI Kun WAZUKANI ZAE Hangul : 0E Korean CAY Tang *dzhəi Viet tài

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition material , stuff ; timber ; talent
Pinyin cái Jyutping coi4 On ZAI Kun MARUTA Hangul : 0E Korean CAY Tang *dzhəi

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition talent , ability ; just , only
Pinyin cái Jyutping coi4 On SAN SAI Kun WAZUKA Hangul : 1N Korean CAY Tang *dzhəi

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cut out ; decrease
Pinyin cái Jyutping coi4 On SAI Kun TATSU SABAKU Hangul : 0E Korean CAY Tang *dzhəi Viet trài

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition wealth , valuables , riches
Pinyin cái Jyutping coi4 On ZAI SAI Kun TAKARA WAZUKA Hangul : 0E Korean CAY Tang dzhəi Viet tài
Simplified U+8D22

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition wealth , valuables , riches
Pinyin cái Jyutping coi4
Traditional U+8CA1

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠆫
Jyutping coi4

JMdict 100319
Word 床屋
Reading とこや
Translation eng barbershop ; barber Translation ger Friseur ; Haarschneider ; Barbier ; Friseurladen ; Haarschneidesalon Translation fre coiffeur ; salon de coiffure Translation rus парикма́херская

JMdict 200217
Word 床屋
Reading とこや
Translation dut kapperszaak ; kapsalon ; kapperswinkel ; kapper ; haarknipper ; haarkapper {w .g.} ; haarscheerder {veroud .} ; barbier {arch .} ; coiffeur {form .} ; figaro {scherts .} Translation hun borbély ; férfi fodrász Translation slv brivec Translation spa barbero ; barbería
Translation eng barbershop ; barber shop ; barber Translation ger Barbier ( in der Edo-Zeit ) ; Friseur ; Haarschneider ; Friseurladen ; Haarschneidesalon Translation fre coiffeur ; salon de coiffure Translation rus 1) парикмахер ; 2) парикмахерская

JMdict 200217
Word 理髪師
Reading りはつし
Translation dut kapper ; haarknipper ; hairstylist ; haarstilist ; coiffeur {form .} ; haarkapper {w .g.} ; haarscheerder {veroud .} ; barbier {arch .} Translation hun borbély ; férfi fodrász Translation spa peluquero ; barbero
Translation eng barber Translation ger Friseur ; Barbier Translation rus парикмахер

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 理容師
Reading りようし
Translation dut kapper ; hairstylist ; haarstilist ; coiffeur ; barbier {veroud .} Translation hun borbély ; férfi fodrász Translation spa barbero ; peluquero
Translation eng barber ; hairdresser Translation ger Friseur Translation rus парикмахер{ша}

JMdict 200217
Word 散髪屋
Reading さんぱつや
Translation dut kapperszaak ; kapsalon ; kapperswinkel ; haarstudio ; kapper ; haarknipper ; haarkapper {w .g.} ; haarscheerder {veroud .} ; barbier {arch .} ; coiffeur {form .} ; figaro {scherts .} Translation hun borbély ; férfi fodrász
Translation eng barber ; barbershop ; barber shop Translation ger Friseur Translation rus 1) парикмахерская ; 2) парикмахер

JMdict 100319
Word 鏡台
Reading きょうだい
Translation eng dresser Translation ger Toilettenspiegel ; Spiegeltisch ; Frisierkommode Translation fre coiffeuse ( meuble ) ; psyché

Records 51 - 100 of 147 retrieved in 514 ms