JMdict 100319
Word 濛々 ; 濛濛 ; 朦朦 ; 朦々
Reading もうもう
Translation eng dense (e.g. fog , dust , etc .) ; thick ; vague ( as in being unable to think clearly ) ; dim

JMdict 100319
Word 惘惘 ; 惘々
Reading もうもう ; ぼうぼう
Translation eng flat ; listless ( through despair )

JMdict 100319
Word 茫々 ; 茫茫
Reading もうもう ; ぼうぼう
Translation eng wide expanse of flat surface (e.g. sea , plains ) ; endless ; rampant growth of ( weeds , hair )

JMdict 100319
Reading もうもう
Translation eng mooing ; moo-moo ( kid's talk for 'cow' )

JMdict 200217
Word 惘惘 ; 惘々
Reading もうもう ; ぼうぼう
Translation hun alföld ; állott ; fakó ; lapály ; sík ; síkság Translation spa desilusionado ; decepcionado ; distraído ; abstraído ; despistado
Translation eng flat ; listless ( through despair )

JMdict 200217
Reading モーモー ; もーもー ; もうもう ; モウモウ
Translation hun tehénbőgés Translation spa mugido ; muu muu
Translation eng moo ( sound of a cow ) ; moo-cow ; moo-moo Translation ger Kuh

JMnedict 200217
Word 毛毛
Reading もうもう Romaji Moumou

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