
JMdict 100319
Word 棋譜
Reading きふ
Translation eng record of a game of go , shogi , chess , etc . Translation ger {Go , Shôgi} Aufzeichnung der Spielzüge ; ( einer Go- od . Shôgi-Partie ) Translation fre résultat d'un jeu de go , shogi , échecs , etc

CEDict 100318
Traditional 棋譜 Simplified 棋谱
Pinyin qi2 pu3
English kifu ( record of a game of go or shogi )

JMdict 200217
Word 棋譜
Reading きふ
Translation eng record of a game of go , shogi , chess , etc . Translation ger Aufzeichnung der Spielzüge ( einer Go- od . Shōgi-Partie ) Translation fre résultat d'un jeu de go , shogi , échecs , etc Translation rus запись партии шахматы , в го )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 棋譜 Simplified 棋谱
Pinyin qi2 pu3
English kifu ( record of a game of go or shogi )

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 棋譜 Simplified 棋谱
Pinyin qi2 pu3
Deutsch Kifu

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 棋譜 Simplified 棋谱
Pinyin qi2 pu3
Deutsch Kifu (u.E.)

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