Unicode 5.2
Character 𨜓
Big5 HK Supplementary Character Set 9069 IRG Hong Kong SAR 9069

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( non-classical form of ) bran ; refuse
Jyutping fu1
KPS 10721-2000 9069

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition argumentative , talkative
Pinyin YIN2 Jyutping ngan4 On GIN GON GAN GEN Kun WARUI OROKA TSURENAI Hangul Korean UN
GB 8565-89 9069

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YING1
Traditional U+7DD3
PRC Telegraph Code 9069

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition soft
Pinyin REN3 REN4 Jyutping jam6 nam4 nam6
Taiwan Telegraph 9069

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition brag ; show off , promote oneself
Pinyin XUAN4 Jyutping jyun6 On KEN GEN Kun TERAU Hangul Korean HYEN
KS X 1001:1992 9069

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition food item set out for show only
Pinyin DOU4 Jyutping dau6 On TOU ZU
Simplified U+997E
GB 7589-87 9069

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) curving upwards
Pinyin YAO3 Jyutping hiu3 On GYOU KYUU KU KYOU Kun KAGIBANA
GB 7590-87 9069

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition match , comfortable ; just
Pinyin SHI4 DI2 TI4 ZHE2 Jyutping dik1 sik1 On TEKI SEKI Kun YUKU KANAU MASANI Hangul Korean CEK CHEK Tang *shiɛk Viet thích
Simplified U+9002
Unicode Code Point 9069

HanDeDict 100318

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( non-classical form of ) bran ; refuse
Pinyin Jyutping fu1
KPS 10721-2000 9069

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition argumentative , talkative
Pinyin yín Jyutping ngan4 On GIN GON GAN GEN Kun WARUI OROKA TSURENAI Hangul : 1N Korean UN
GB 8565-89 9069

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin yīng
Traditional U+7DD3
PRC Telegraph Code 9069

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition soft
Pinyin rèn Jyutping jam6 nam4 nam6
Taiwan Telegraph 9069

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition brag ; show off , promote oneself
Pinyin xuàn Jyutping jyun6 On KEN GEN Kun TERAU Hangul : 0N Korean HYEN
KS X 1001:1992 9069

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition food item set out for show only
Pinyin dòu Jyutping dau6 On TOU ZU
Simplified U+997E
GB 7589-87 9069

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( Cant .) curving upwards
Pinyin yào Jyutping hiu3 On GYOU KYUU KU KYOU Kun KAGIBANA
GB 7590-87 9069

Unicode 12.1
Character 𨜓
Pinyin zhēng Jyutping zing1
Big5 HK Supplementary Character Set 9069

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition match , comfortable ; just
Pinyin shì Jyutping dik1 sik1 On TEKI SEKI Kun YUKU KANAU MASANI Hangul : 0E Korean CEK CHEK Tang *shiɛk Viet thích
Simplified U+9002
Unicode Code Point 9069

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