Unicode 5.2
Character Definition look at , gaze at ; observe
Pinyin DU3 Jyutping dou2 On TO Kun MIRU Hangul Korean TO Viet đủ

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition look at , gaze at ; observe
Pinyin Jyutping dou2 On TO Kun MIRU Hangul : 0N Korean TO Viet đủ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spy on

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition spy on
Pinyin Jyutping jik6 On EKI YAKU JOU NYOU Kun UKAGAIMERU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition notice ; pay attention to
Pinyin CAI3 Jyutping coi2 On SAI Korean CHAY

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition notice ; pay attention to
Pinyin cǎi Jyutping coi2 On SAI Hangul :N Korean CHAY

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to open the eyes ; stare
Pinyin ZHENG1 Jyutping zaang1 zang1 On SEI JOU Kun METSUKI
Simplified U+7741

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to open the eyes ; stare
Pinyin zhēng Jyutping zaang1 zang1 On SEI JOU Kun METSUKI
Simplified U+7741

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition look askance at , glare at
Pinyin BI4 PI4 Jyutping pai5 On HEI Kun NAGASHIME Hangul Korean PI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition look askance at , glare at
Pinyin Jyutping pai5 On HEI Kun NAGASHIME Hangul : 1N Korean PI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition look askance at , glare at ; squint
Pinyin NI4 Jyutping ngai6 On GEI Kun NIRAMU Hangul Korean YEY Viet nghễ

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition look askance at , glare at ; squint
Pinyin Jyutping ngai6 On GEI Kun NIRAMU Hangul : 1N Korean YEY Viet nghễ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gaze at , stare at ; uninhibited
Pinyin SUI1 Jyutping seoi1 On KI KEI KE Kun MIAGERU Hangul Korean SWU Tang xiuɛ xyui

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition gaze at , stare at ; uninhibited
Pinyin suī Jyutping seoi1 On KI KEI KE Kun MIAGERU Hangul : 1N Korean SWU Tang xiuɛ xyui

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition short , dwarf ; low
Pinyin AI3 Jyutping aai2 ai2 ngai2 On WAI AI Kun HIKUI Hangul Korean WAY

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition short , dwarf ; low
Pinyin ǎi Jyutping aai2 ai2 ngai2 On WAI AI Kun HIKUI Hangul : 0N Korean WAY

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition break , smash ; broken , busted
Pinyin SUI4 Jyutping seoi3 On SAI Kun KUDAKU Hangul Korean SWAY Tang *suə̀i Viet toái
Variant U+7815

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition break , smash ; broken , busted
Pinyin suì Jyutping seoi3 On SAI Kun KUDAKU Hangul : 0N Korean SWAY Tang *suə̀i Viet toái
Variant U+7815

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition collide , bump into
Pinyin PENG4 Jyutping pung3 On HOU Kun BUTSUKARU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition collide , bump into
Pinyin pèng Jyutping pung3 On HOU Kun BUTSUKARU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bowl , small dish
Pinyin WAN3 Jyutping wun2 On WAN Kun KOBACHI WAN Hangul Korean WAN

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bowl , small dish
Pinyin wǎn Jyutping wun2 On WAN Kun KOBACHI WAN Hangul : 0N Korean WAN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition iodine
Pinyin DIAN3 Jyutping din2 On TEN

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition iodine
Pinyin diǎn Jyutping din2 On TEN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rough , uneven , rocky ; mediocre
Pinyin LU4 LIU4 LUO4 Jyutping luk1 On ROKU Hangul Korean LOK
Variant U+F93B

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition rough , uneven , rocky ; mediocre
Pinyin Jyutping luk1 On ROKU Hangul :0 : 0N Korean LOK
Variant U+F93B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition room made of stone ; watchtower
Pinyin DIAO1 Jyutping diu1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition room made of stone ; watchtower
Pinyin diāo Jyutping diu1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition borax , boron
Pinyin PENG2 PENG1 Jyutping paang4 pang4 On HOU Hangul Korean PWUNG PHYENG

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition borax , boron
Pinyin péng Jyutping paang4 pang4 On HOU Hangul : 0N Korean PWUNG PHYENG

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition stone tablet ; gravestone
Pinyin BEI1 Jyutping bei1 On HI Kun TATEISHI ISHIBUMI Hangul Korean PI Tang *byɛ

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition stone tablet ; gravestone
Pinyin bēi Jyutping bei1 On HI Kun TATEISHI ISHIBUMI Hangul : 0E Korean PI Tang *byɛ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pestle
Pinyin DUI4 DUI1 Jyutping deoi3 On TAI Kun USU Hangul Korean TAY Tang duə̀i

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pestle
Pinyin duì Jyutping deoi3 On TAI Kun USU Hangul : 1N Korean TAY Tang duə̀i

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin KONG1

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin kōng

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition good luck , good fortune
Pinyin QI2 Jyutping kei4 On KI Kun SAIWAI Hangul Korean KI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition good luck , good fortune
Pinyin Jyutping kei4 On KI Kun SAIWAI Hangul : 0N Korean KI

Unicode 5.2
Character 祿 Definition blessing , happiness , prosperity
Pinyin LU4 Jyutping luk6 On ROKU Kun SAIWAI FUCHI Hangul Korean LOK Tang luk Viet lộc
Simplified U+7984 Variant U+F93C

Unicode 12.1
Character 祿 Definition blessing , happiness , prosperity
Pinyin Jyutping luk6 On ROKU Kun SAIWAI FUCHI Hangul :0 : 0E Korean LOK Tang luk Viet lộc
Simplified U+7984 Variant U+F93C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition restrict , prohibit , forbid
Pinyin JIN4 JIN1 Jyutping gam1 gam3 kam1 On KIN KON GON Kun TODOMERU TAERU Hangul Korean KUM Tang *gyìm Viet cấm

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition restrict , prohibit , forbid
Pinyin jìn Jyutping gam1 gam3 kam1 On KIN KON GON Kun TODOMERU TAERU Hangul : 0E Korean KUM Tang *gyìm Viet cấm

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ten thousand ; innumerable Value 10000
Pinyin WAN4 Jyutping maan6 On MAN Kun YOROZU OOKII Hangul Korean MAN Tang *miæ̀n Viet vạn
Simplified U+4E07

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ten thousand ; innumerable Value 10000
Pinyin wàn Jyutping maan6 On MAN Kun YOROZU OOKII Hangul : 0E Korean MAN Tang *miæ̀n Viet vạn
Simplified U+4E07

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition birds , fowl ; surname ;; capture
Pinyin QIN2 Jyutping kam4 On KIN Kun TORIKO TORI Hangul Korean KUM Tang *ghyim Viet cầm

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition birds , fowl ; surname ;; capture
Pinyin qín Jyutping kam4 On KIN Kun TORIKO TORI Hangul : 0E Korean KUM Tang *ghyim Viet cầm

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition corner , edge , angle ; square block
Pinyin LENG2 LENG4 LING2 Jyutping ling4 On RYOU Kun KADO ITSU Hangul Korean LUNG Tang ləng
Variant U+F956

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition corner , edge , angle ; square block
Pinyin léng Jyutping ling4 On RYOU Kun KADO ITSU Hangul :0 : 0N Korean LUNG Tang ləng
Variant U+F956

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition young , immature ; childhood
Pinyin ZHI4 Jyutping zi6 On CHI Kun OSANAI ITOKENAI Hangul Korean CHI Tang *djhì
Variant U+7A49

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition young , immature ; childhood
Pinyin zhì Jyutping zi6 On CHI Kun OSANAI ITOKENAI Hangul : 0N Korean CHI Tang *djhì
Variant U+7A49

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