JMdict 100319
Word 喫茶店
Reading きっさてん
Translation eng coffee lounge ; coffee shop ; ( rather formal ) cafe Translation ger Teehaus ; Café ; Konditorei Translation fre café ( lieu ) ; salon de thé Translation rus кафе

JMdict 100319
Word 茶房
Reading さぼう
Translation eng teahouse ; coffee shop Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Café ; Kaffeestube

JMdict 100319
Reading コーヒーポット
Translation eng coffee pot

JMdict 100319
Word 漫喫
Reading まんきつ
Translation eng coffee shop or cafe where one can read manga
Crossref マンガ喫茶

JMdict 100319
Reading コーヒーメーカー
Translation eng coffee maker

JMdict 100319
Word 波布草
Reading はぶそう ; ハブソウ
Translation eng coffee senna ( Senna occidentalis )

JMdict 100319
Reading ホットコーヒー
Translation eng coffee ( hot , as opposed to iced )
Crossref 珈琲

JMdict 100319
Word サ店
Reading サてん
Translation eng coffee lounge ; coffee shop ; cafe
Crossref 喫茶店

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Reading コーヒーマグ
Translation eng coffee mug

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ka1
English coffee ; class ; grade

CEDict 100318
Traditional 咖啡 Simplified 咖啡
Pinyin ka1 fei1
English coffee

CEDict 100318
Traditional 咖啡室 Simplified 咖啡室
Pinyin ka1 fei1 shi4
English coffee shop

CEDict 100318
Traditional 咖啡屋 Simplified 咖啡屋
Pinyin ka1 fei1 wu1
English coffee house ; café

CEDict 100318
Traditional 咖啡店 Simplified 咖啡店
Pinyin ka1 fei1 dian4
English café ; coffee shop

CEDict 100318
Traditional 咖啡廳 Simplified 咖啡厅
Pinyin ka1 fei1 ting1
English coffee shop

CEDict 100318
Traditional 咖啡機 Simplified 咖啡机
Pinyin ka1 fei1 ji1
English coffee machine ; coffee maker

CEDict 100318
Traditional 咖啡色 Simplified 咖啡色
Pinyin ka1 fei1 se4
English coffee color ; brown

CEDict 100318
Traditional 咖啡荳 Simplified 咖啡豆
Pinyin ka1 fei1 dou4
English coffee beans

CEDict 100318
Traditional 咖啡館 Simplified 咖啡馆
Pinyin ka1 fei1 guan3
English café ; coffee shop

CEDict 100318
Traditional 咖啡館兒 Simplified 咖啡馆儿
Pinyin ka1 fei1 guan3 r5
English café ; coffee shop

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin fei1
English coffee

CEDict 100318
Traditional 滲濾壺 Simplified 渗滤壶
Pinyin shen4 lu :4 hu2
English coffee percolator

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 皇家咖啡 Simplified 皇家咖啡
Pinyin huang2 jia1 ka1 fei1
Deutsch Coffee Royal (u.E.) (S, Ess )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 科菲縣 Simplified 科菲县
Pinyin ke1 fei1 xian4
Deutsch Coffee County ( Alabama , USA ) ( Eig , Geo ) ; Coffee County ( Georgia , USA ) ( Eig , Geo ) ; Coffee County ( Tennessee , USA ) ( Eig , Geo )

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ka1 Reading On Reading Korean ga
Meaning coffee

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fei1 Reading On ハイ ; ヘ ; ヒ Reading Kun いびき ; つば Reading Korean bae ; bi
Meaning morphine ; coffee

JMdict 200217
Word 珈琲
Reading コーヒー
Translation dut koffie ; leut {volkst .} ; slobber {volkst .} ; slemp {Barg .} ; zog {Barg .} ; zwarterik {Barg .} ; {Barg . ; bel .} negerzweet Translation hun kávé ; kávécserje Translation slv kava Translation spa café ( bebida ) ; café ( eng : coffee , dut : koffie ) Translation swe kaffe
Source Language eng coffee Translation eng coffee Translation ger Kaffee Translation fre café Translation rus кофе ; ( уст .) 珈琲 ; (( голл .) koffie ) кофе Source Language dut koffie

JMdict 200217
Reading コーヒーハウス ; コーヒー・ハウス
Translation eng coffee house Translation ger Café

JMdict 200217
Reading コーヒーミル ; コーヒー・ミル
Translation hun kávédaráló
Translation eng coffee mill ; coffee grinder Translation ger Kaffeemühle

JMdict 200217
Word コーヒー豆
Reading コーヒーまめ
Translation eng coffee bean Translation ger Kaffeebohne Translation fre grain de café Translation rus кофейные зёрна , кофе в зёрнах

JMdict 200217
Word 喫茶
Reading きっさ
Translation dut het theedrinken Translation slv pitje čaja ; čajna hiša Translation spa tomar ; casa de ( abreviatura )
Translation eng tea drinking ; teahouse ; tearoom ; coffee lounge ; coffee shop ; ( rather formal ) cafe Translation ger Teetrinken ; Teehaus ; Café ; Kaffeehaus ( Abk .) Translation rus ( кн .) чаепитие
Crossref 喫茶店

JMdict 200217
Word 喫茶店
Reading きっさてん ; きっちゃてん
Translation dut tearoom ; koffiehuis ; theehuis ; café ; brasserie Translation hun kávéház ; kávézó Translation slv kavarna ( dobesedno čajnica ) Translation spa cafetería Translation swe café
Translation eng coffee shop ; tearoom ; coffee lounge ; coffeehouse ; cafe Translation ger Teehaus ; Café ; Kaffeehaus Translation fre café ( lieu ) ; salon de thé Translation rus кафе , закусочная , чайная

JMdict 200217
Word 茶房
Reading さぼう
Translation hun kávéház ; kávézó
Translation eng teahouse ; coffee shop Translation ger Café ; Kaffeestube

JMdict 200217
Reading ホットコーヒー ; ホット・コーヒー
Translation eng coffee ( hot , as opposed to iced ) Translation ger Kaffee ; heißer Kaffee
Crossref 珈琲

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ka1 Reading On Reading Korean ga
Meaning coffee

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin fei1 Reading On ハイ ; ヘ ; ヒ Reading Kun いびき ; つば Reading Korean bae ; bi
Meaning morphine ; coffee

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ka1
English coffee ; class ; grade

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 咖啡 Simplified 咖啡
Pinyin ka1 fei1
English coffee ( loanword )

Records 1 - 50 of 105 retrieved in 1210 ms