Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a picture ; one of a pair , as of scrolls , etc .
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping zing3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to stretch open painting , ( same as ) a picture ( one of a pair as of scrolls , etc .)
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping coeng1 zing3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) the right side , proper , pure , honest and virtuous , original , exactly
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping zing6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition earthenware (a basin ; a pot ; a bowl ; a crock etc .)
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping zing6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to block ; to stop up , to cork ; to seal ; ( same as U+92E5 ) to polish ; to grind ; ( Cant .) to push ; to burst ; to stuff
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping zaang6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a variety of bamboo
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping zing3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to deceive ; to delude , careless ; lax ; heedless
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping zoeng1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) evidence , proof , to give evidence , to testify
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping tip3 zing3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) evidence , proof , to give evidence , to testify )
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping zing3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to struggle ; struggle ; to strive
Pinyin ZHENG4 ZHI4 Jyutping zaang3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( simplified form of U+499B ) to struggle ; struggle ; to strive
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping zaang3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition picture , scroll ; one of pair of
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping zing3
Traditional U+5E40

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition picture , scroll ; one of pair of
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping zing3 On TEI TOU CHOU Kun KAKEMONO Hangul Korean CENG THAYNG Viet tranh
Simplified U+5E27

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition government , political affairs
Pinyin ZHENG4 ZHENG1 Jyutping zing3 On SEI SHOU Kun MATSURIGOTO TADASU Hangul Korean CENG Viet chính

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition right , proper , correct
Pinyin ZHENG4 ZHENG1 Jyutping zeng3 zing1 zing3 On SEI SHOU Kun TADASHII MASA TADASU Hangul Korean CENG Tang *jiɛ̀ng Viet chính

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition disease , illness , ailment
Pinyin ZHENG4 ZHENG1 Jyutping zing1 zing3 On SHOU Kun SHIRUSHI Hangul Korean CUNG Viet chứng
Traditional U+7665

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition prove , confirm , verify ; proof
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping zing3 On SHOU SEI Kun AKASHI Hangul Korean CENG Viet chứng
Variant U+8B49

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition proof , evidence ; testify , verify
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping zing3 On SHOU Kun AKASHI Hangul Korean CUNG Viet chứng
Simplified U+8BC1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition prove , confirm , verify ; proof
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping zing3
Traditional U+8B49

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition state in today's Henan ; surname
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping zeng6
Traditional U+912D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition state in today's Henan ; surname
Pinyin ZHENG4 Jyutping zeng6 zing6 On TEI JOU Kun KASANERU Hangul Korean CENG Tang *djiɛ̀ng Viet trịnh
Simplified U+90D1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition polish
Pinyin ZHENG4 ZENG4 On TOU JOU Kun MIGAKU TOGU Hangul Korean CENG Viet cất xiềng
Simplified U+9503

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition polish
Traditional U+92E5

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin ZHENG4

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠔻
Pinyin ZHENG4

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zheng4
English frame ; one of a pair ( scrolls ) ; picture

CEDict 100318
Traditional 幀中繼 Simplified 帧中继
Pinyin zheng4 zhong1 ji4
English frame relay

CEDict 100318
Traditional 幀太長 Simplified 帧太长
Pinyin zheng4 tai4 chang2
English oversize frame ; giant

CEDict 100318
Traditional 幀格式 Simplified 帧格式
Pinyin zheng4 ge2 shi4
English frame format

CEDict 100318
Traditional 幀檢驗序列 Simplified 帧检验序列
Pinyin zheng4 jian3 yan4 xu4 lie4
English frame check sequence ; FCS

CEDict 100318
Traditional 幀首定界符 Simplified 帧首定界符
Pinyin zheng4 shou3 ding4 jie4 fu2
English start of frame delimiter

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zheng4
English stumped for words ; to stare blankly

CEDict 100318
Traditional 怔怔 Simplified 怔怔
Pinyin zheng4 zheng4
English in a daze

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zheng4
English to earn ; to make ( money )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 掙脫 Simplified 挣脱
Pinyin zheng4 tuo1
English to throw off ; to struggle free of

CEDict 100318
Traditional 掙錢 Simplified 挣钱
Pinyin zheng4 qian2
English to make money

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zheng4
English political ; politics ; government

CEDict 100318
Traditional 政事 Simplified 政事
Pinyin zheng4 shi4
English politics ; government affairs

CEDict 100318
Traditional 政令 Simplified 政令
Pinyin zheng4 ling4
English government decree

CEDict 100318
Traditional 政務 Simplified 政务
Pinyin zheng4 wu4
English government affairs

CEDict 100318
Traditional 政協 Simplified 政协
Pinyin zheng4 xie2
English CPPCC ( Chinese People's Political Consultative Committee )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 政和 Simplified 政和
Pinyin Zheng4 he2
English Zhenghe county in Nanping 南平 [ Nan2 ping2 ] Fujian

CEDict 100318
Traditional 政和縣 Simplified 政和县
Pinyin Zheng4 he2 xian4
English Zhenghe county in Nanping 南平 [ Nan2 ping2 ] Fujian

CEDict 100318
Traditional 政圈 Simplified 政圈
Pinyin zheng4 quan1
English government circle ; political circle

CEDict 100318
Traditional 政壇 Simplified 政坛
Pinyin zheng4 tan2
English political circles

CEDict 100318
Traditional 政委 Simplified 政委
Pinyin zheng4 wei3
English political commissar ( within the army )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 政客 Simplified 政客
Pinyin zheng4 ke4
English politician

CEDict 100318
Traditional 政審 Simplified 政审
Pinyin zheng4 shen3
English examine sb's political record ; political investigation

CEDict 100318
Traditional 政局 Simplified 政局
Pinyin zheng4 ju2
English political situation

CEDict 100318
Traditional 政工 Simplified 政工
Pinyin zheng4 gong1
English political work ; ideological work

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 344 ms