JMdict 100319
Word 悪玉
Reading あくだま ; あくたま
Translation eng bad character ; bad person ; villain ; baddie Translation ger Bösewicht ; Schurke ; Bösling

JMdict 100319
Word 悪役
Reading あくやく
Translation eng villain ; baddie ; the villain's part Translation ger {Theat ., Film} Schurkenrolle ; Bösewichtsrolle

JMdict 200217
Word 悪役
Reading あくやく
Translation dut schurkenrol ; boevenrol ; rol van de schurk ; slechterik ; boeman ; boosdoener Translation hun gonosztevő ; rossz fiú Translation spa villano ; el papel del villano
Translation eng villain ; baddie ; the villain's part Translation ger Schurkenrolle ; Bösewichtsrolle Translation rus ( см .) あくがた

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