Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) intensive particle
Pinyin GE2 Jyutping tap1 On KOU Kun AWASERU

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠸊 Definition ( Cant .) an intensifying particle
Jyutping tap1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hot ; burning , fur clothing , weapons , drum
Pinyin HE4 TA4 Jyutping tap3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition full circle ; encircle
Pinyin ZA1 Jyutping zaap3 On SOU Kun MEGURU Korean CAP Viet táp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition thirty , thirtieth Value 30
Pinyin SA4 Jyutping saa1 On SOU Kun SANJUU Hangul Korean SAP Viet tạp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition forty , fortieth Value 40
Pinyin XI4 Jyutping se3 On SHUU Kun YONJUU Korean SIP Viet tấp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to suck , to smack the lips ; ( Cant .) to cheat
Pinyin ZA1 Jyutping sap1 zaap3 On SOU Kun SUU Korean CAP Viet táp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tower , spire , tall building
Pinyin TA3 Jyutping taap3 On TOU Kun TERA OKA Hangul Korean THAP Tang tɑp
Variant U+5896

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to go round , to make a circuit , to make a revolution , to turn round
Pinyin ZA1 On SOU Kun MEGURU MEGURASU MEGURI Tang tzop Viet táp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cot , couch , bed
Pinyin TA4 Jyutping taap3 On TOU Kun KOSHIKAKE SHIJI Hangul Korean THAP Tang tɑp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition practice ; flapping wings
Pinyin XI2 Jyutping zaap6 On SHUU JUU Kun NARAU NARAI Hangul Korean SUP Tang zip Viet tập
Simplified U+4E60

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition raid , attack ; inherit
Pinyin XI2 Jyutping zaap6 On SHUU JUU Kun OSOU KASANE TSUGU Hangul Korean SUP Tang zip Viet tập
Simplified U+88AD

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition assemble , collect together
Pinyin JI2 Jyutping zaap6 On SHUU JUU Kun ATSUMARU TSUDOU ATSUMERU Hangul Korean CIP Tang *dzhip Viet tập

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mixed , blended ; mix , mingle
Pinyin ZA2 Jyutping zaap6 On ZATSU ZOU Kun MAJIRU MAJIERU Hangul Korean CAP Tang *dzhop Viet tạp
Simplified U+6742 Variant U+96D1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the sound of the wind ; bleak ; melancholy
Pinyin SA4 LI4 Jyutping saap3 On SATSU SOU Kun HISHIGU HAYATE MIDARERU Hangul Korean SAP Tang *sop Viet táp
Simplified U+98D2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( Cant .) intensive particle
Pinyin Jyutping tap1 On KOU Kun AWASERU

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠸊 Definition ( Cant .) an intensifying particle
Jyutping tap1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hot ; burning , fur clothing , weapons , drum
Pinyin Jyutping tap3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition full circle ; encircle
Pinyin Jyutping zaap3 On SOU Kun MEGURU Korean CAP Viet táp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition thirty , thirtieth Value 30
Pinyin Jyutping saa1 On SOU Kun SANJUU Hangul : 1N Korean SAP Viet tạp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition forty , fortieth Value 40
Pinyin Jyutping se3 On SHUU Kun YONJUU Korean SIP Viet tấp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to suck , to smack the lips ; ( Cant .) to cheat
Pinyin Jyutping sap1 zaap3 On SOU Kun SUU Korean CAP Viet táp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition tower , spire , tall building
Pinyin Jyutping taap3 On TOU Kun TERA OKA Hangul : 0E Korean THAP Tang tɑp
Variant U+5896

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to go round , to make a circuit , to make a revolution , to turn round
Pinyin On SOU Kun MEGURU MEGURASU MEGURI Tang tzop Viet táp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cot , couch , bed
Pinyin Jyutping taap3 On TOU Kun KOSHIKAKE SHIJI Hangul : 0N Korean THAP Tang tɑp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition practice ; flapping wings
Pinyin Jyutping zaap6 On SHUU JUU Kun NARAU NARAI Hangul : 0E Korean SUP Tang zip Viet tập
Simplified U+4E60

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition raid , attack ; inherit
Pinyin Jyutping zaap6 On SHUU JUU Kun OSOU KASANE TSUGU Hangul : 0E Korean SUP Tang zip Viet tập
Simplified U+88AD

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition assemble , collect together
Pinyin Jyutping zaap6 On SHUU JUU Kun ATSUMARU TSUDOU ATSUMERU Hangul : 0E Korean CIP Tang *dzhip Viet tập

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition mixed , blended ; mix , mingle
Pinyin Jyutping zaap6 On ZATSU ZOU Kun MAJIRU MAJIERU Hangul : 0E Korean CAP Tang *dzhop Viet tạp
Simplified U+6742 Variant U+96D1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the sound of the wind ; bleak ; melancholy
Pinyin Jyutping saap3 On SATSU SOU Kun HISHIGU HAYATE MIDARERU Hangul : 0N Korean SAP Tang *sop Viet táp
Simplified U+98D2

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin DA2 Jyutping daap3 On TOU Korean TAP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition connected , joined ; repeated
Pinyin TA4 DA2 Jyutping daap6 On TOU Kun KUTSU Hangul Korean TAP Tang dhop Viet đạp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice field
Hangul Korean TAP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition answer , reply ; return ; assent to
Pinyin DA2 DA1 Jyutping daap3 On TOU Kun KOTAERU KOTAE Hangul Korean TAP Tang *dop Viet đáp
Variant U+8345

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition step on , trample , tread on , walk
Pinyin TA4 TA1 Jyutping daap6 On TOU Kun FUMU Hangul Korean TAP Tang *top Viet đạp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mixed , abundant , assorted
Pinyin TA4 DAI4 Jyutping daap6 On TOU DOU Kun IRIMAJIRU Hangul Korean TAP Tang dhop

JMdict 100319
Reading とんとん
Translation eng tap ; rap-tap ; tapping Translation ger Klopfen ; Klappern ; Ausgeglichenheit ; glatt ; ungehindert ; nach Wunsch Translation fre tapotement

JMdict 100319
Reading カラン
Translation eng water outlet ; tap ; faucet Translation ger Wasserhahn Source Language ger Kran Source Language dut kraan

JMdict 100319
Reading コック
Translation eng cook ; tap ; spigot ; faucet ; cock ; cock ( male fowl ) ; cock ( penis ) Translation ger Hahn ; Zapfen Translation fre robinet ; cuisinier Source Language dut kok

JMdict 100319
Reading タップ
Translation eng tap Translation ger Gewindebohrer ; Hahn ; Zapfhahn ; Steckdose ; {Mus .} Stepptanz ; ( Abk .) ; .

JMdict 100319
Reading タップダンス
Translation eng tap dance Translation ger {Mus .} Stepptanz

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 給水栓
Reading きゅうすいせん
Translation eng hydrant ; tap ; faucet Translation ger Hydrant ; Wasserhahn Translation fre bouche d'incendie ; prise d'eau

JMdict 100319
Word 蛇口
Reading じゃぐち
Translation eng faucet ; tap Translation ger Wasserhahn ; Hahn ; Spund Translation fre robinet Translation rus водопрово́дный кра́н

JMdict 100319
Word 上水
Reading じょうすい
Translation eng water supply ; tap water Translation ger Trinkwasser ; Brauchwasser ; Wasserzuleitung ; Wasserversorgung ; ( Abk .) Translation rus водопрово́дная вода́

JMdict 100319
Word 水道栓
Reading すいどうせん
Translation eng hydrant ; faucet ; tap Translation ger Wasserhahn ; Hydrant Translation fre robinet

JMdict 100319
Word 活栓
Reading かっせん
Translation eng valve ; faucet ; tap Translation ger Hahn ; Ventil

JMdict 100319
Word 水道の栓
Reading すいどうのせん
Translation eng water spigot ; tap Translation ger Wasserhahn ; Hydrant

JMdict 100319
Reading タップダンサー
Translation eng tap dancer

Records 1 - 50 of 135 retrieved in 764 ms